Low BMI Gastric Sleeve: Is It Possible? 2024 | International Clinics
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Low BMI Gastric Sleeve: Is It Possible?

Gastric sleeve is one of the most performed bariatric procedures for overweight individuals. However, some patients with low body mass index (BMI) are increasingly considering surgery too. Since most people who undergo the surgery are evidently obese or overweight, a low BMI gastric sleeve remains an open question.

Bariatric physicians recommend gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey to those individuals who are struggling with their weight and have tried various weight loss methods but to no avail. It could be that you have been battling with your weight for years and just can seem to find a solution that works for you.

Perhaps, youve experienced fleeting success in the past, only to fall back into old patterns and regain the weight you worked so hard to lose, and then repeat the cycle. Regardless of your BMI, bariatric surgery may be a valuable option to consider.

What Is Low BMI Gastric Sleeve?

Low BMI Gastric Sleeve patient

Low BMI gastric sleeve refers to providing sleeve gastrectomy surgery to individuals with BMI less than 35 and down to 29. Although many clinics and doctors provide gastric sleeve to low BMI patients, the conventional criteria for selecting candidates for gastric sleeve prohibit such practice.

Evidently, patients with a low body mass index (BMI) are often deemed ineligible for bariatric surgery in general according to the criteria established way back in 1991. However, other voices call the criteria “outdated” and follow a different approach.

To put it plainly, gastric sleeve surgery stands out as an ideal option amongst other bariatric procedures for low BMI patients. In fact, it has rapidly become the most widely used bariatric surgical procedure across the globe. This surgical procedure is less non-invasive than gastric bypass and can result in a weight loss of 60% of excess weight.

Despite all doubts, studies have come forward to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of bariatric surgery for individuals with low BMIs, especially for patients who are grappling with serious health problems related to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and others.

Low BMI people often suffer from mild obesity, which is associated with a heightened risk of a range of health problems, many of which are similar to those associated with morbid obesity, including heart disease, stroke, cancer, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and fatty liver disease.

The Criteria of Low BMI Gastric Sleeve

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a decisive factor that plays a crucial role in evaluating the individuals eligibility for weight loss procedures. This numerical value, obtained by analyzing ones height and weight, classifies scores into separate categories: 18.5 or lower is underweight, 18.5 to 24.9 is normal weight, 25.0 to 29.9 is overweight, and 30 or above is overweight.

The National Institute of Health has established a distinct criterion for determining ones eligibility for bariatric surgery. According to the institute, a suitable candidate for the procedure is:

  • Having a BMI of 40 or above, or weighing 100 pounds (45 kg) more than their ideal weight.
  • Having a BMI between 35-40 and suffering from at least one of the weight-related health conditions such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or heart disease, etc.

According to this criterion, people with BMI less than 30 aren’t eligible for a gastric sleeve or gastric bypass. However, because the criteria haven’t been revised since 1991, many surgeons prefer to go the extra mile and provide a gastric sleeve for people with BMI less than 30, especially in cases where obesity has caused complications. 

Investigate: gastric sleeve 10 years later

Reasons to Have Low BMI Gastric Sleeve

When considering whether obesity surgery in Turkey is the best option for you, its better to ensure your body mass index (BMI) falls within the 30-35 range, not below that.

The lower your BMI, the more impact the gastric sleeve may have on your nutrition in the future. The impact of low-BMI obesity on quality of life and life expectancy shouldn’t be overlooked, as it has been linked to decreased well-being and reduced lifespan. Nonetheless, surgeons usually start to offer gastric sleeve to low BMI patients after arguing for the following benefits:

Preventing Dangerous Weight Gain

As your BMI continues to increase, the difficulty of reducing it to a safer level also grows besides the time needed to achieve it. Hence, procrastination could result in less-than-optimal outcomes.

People who have a BMI that hovers around 30 and have been on a weight loss plan through extreme diets for an extended period may get some weight loss results, but these results may fade, and new fat may accumulate over time. Bariatric surgery has emerged as the only known method for effectively addressing the issue of obesity in the long term.

Treating Obesity-Related Problems

We have come to realize the scale of the dangerous consequences and symptoms of obesity, particularly in the case of mild obesity, which was once considered to have a limited impact on overall health.

When a patients BMI falls below the standard threshold for bariatric surgery, surgeons take a closer look to see if they are suffering from any obesity-related health issues that may be resolved through surgery.

Since individuals of Asian and Indian descent often exhibit symptoms of comorbidities at a lower BMI compared to other races, their criteria for surgery are appropriately adjusted to accommodate this difference. Thus, a low BMI gastric sleeve is favorable in many cases.

Correcting Gastric Band

In instances where a patient has recently had a gastric band removed due to a complication and their BMI has dropped as a result, surgeons may consider a revisional surgery at a lower BMI, even before they reach a BMI of 30. Gastric sleeve, of course, is the revisional surgery that can solve the matter.

Related Article: Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

The Danger of Low BMI Gastric Sleeve

Low BMI gastrectomy

When it comes to bariatric and metabolic surgery, sleeve gastrectomy in patients who have a low BMI grade is safe. On the contrary, studies have emphasized the futility of using BMI as the only determinant in the evaluation of bariatric and metabolic surgery.

Although the conventional criteria forbid people with low BMI from getting a gastric sleeve, the number of surgeons who urge lower BMI cutoff for the gastric sleeve is increasing according to different sources. Instead, they have deemed the criteria an “arbitrary cut point” and refuse to associate low BMI gastric sleeve with any dangerous consequences aside from the conventional, well-known risks of gastric sleeve.

For many surgeons, the benefits of a low BMI gastric sleeve outweigh the potential dangers, especially when it comes to endocrine and metabolic functions. In any case, gastric sleeve in general carries different risks and possible complications such as infection, nutrient deficiencies, leakage, and bleeding.

Related Article: Mini Gastric Sleeve

Alternatives to Low BMI Gastric Sleeve

Gastric balloons, endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, and Lap Band may be excellent alternatives for individuals with a BMI below 35. Below is more information about these alternatives:

  • Gastric Balloons: These balloons come in various shapes and forms including pills or capsules. They occupy space within the stomach, causing more feelings of fullness with smaller portions of food.
    By reducing portion sizes and food intake, these balloons can be a game-changer. Some balloon systems can last for six months before being removed, but they must be accompanied by ongoing nutritional and behavioral support. The cost of these balloons is usually less than the gastric sleeve cost.
  • Lap Band: Surgeons often recommend Lap Band for those with a BMI over 35, but it can also be a good option for those who find themselves with a BMI hovering between 25 and 30.
  • This gastric banding system operates by securely attaching a band to the upper portion of the stomach to restrict its capacity. This minimally invasive surgery has been instrumental in helping people attain long-lasting and nutritious weight loss, but it comes with many potential complications.
  • Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty: This is a non-invasive procedure that reduces the stomach size through sutures. The smaller stomach size helps you avoid overeating and promotes slower digestion, resulting in a longer feeling of fullness. This procedure takes only 45 minutes and involves no incisions.
    During the procedure, your surgeon will use an endoscope to access the stomach and block off around 75% of its size, making it much smaller. The procedure requires a limited hospital stay and has a faster recovery time compared to conventional gastric sleeve surgery.

The Bottom Line

Low BMI gastric sleeve is a controversial topic. While mainstream surgeons and researchers reject the idea of performing gastric sleeve on low BMI patients, others follow different paths and demand acceptance of new criteria that have no limitations to BMI requirements for bariatric procedures. Whatever the case, obesity surgery cost remains lower than in other parts of the world, and that includes low BMI gastric sleeve.

International Clinics in Turkey offers low BMI gastric sleeve to international patients but after careful examination and thorough consultation with surgeons. You can contact us immediately using the Contact Us button below.

Read more: Gastric Sleeve Surgery Abroad


You can get a gastric sleeve with a low BMI, but this depends on your general health and the reasons behind such a desire. After all, having sleeve gastrectomy at a lower BMI may be key to getting a more astonishing weight loss outcome.

The lowest BMI for sleeve gastrectomy is 35, but the limit can go down to 30 if you suffer from obesity-related problems, such as type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, or high blood pressure.

You can get a gastric sleeve with a BMI of 30 if you also have one of the problems related to obesity, such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes. Your surgeon must check on your health to determine your eligibility for the surgery.

You can get a gastric sleeve with a BMI of 35 for sure. Indeed, gastric sleeve suits best patients with a BMI of 35 or higher. The surgery can improve your life quality and set you on the path to better health and wellness.

With low BMI, you can get gastric sleeve surgery or a sleeve gastrectomy. The surgery is advantageous for those individuals with a BMI. Other options include Lap Band, gastric balloon, and endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty.

The minimum BMI for Lap Band is 30. However, if you have additional health conditions associated with obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, and your BMI is less than 30, your surgeon may offer you the option to get a Lap Band.

If your BMI is 30 or more, you are simply an overweight individual. take control of your well-being by adopting a healthier diet and increasing physical activity. In addition, you can consider bariatric surgeries and procedures.