Let’s face it! Excess skin and tissues can appear as weirdly looking “rolls” on your back! Clearly, this feels bad and undesirable, especially after extensive weight loss. To solve this problem, you can undergo a surgery called “back lift”, which can recontour and tighten up the back. A back lift or torsoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess, loose, and sagging skin from your back, resulting in a more tightened and better-looking back. The types of back lifts include bra-line back lifts and vertical back lifts. Based on your needs and personal preferences, your surgeon will choose the type that fits you best.
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To prevent unwanted pain, your surgeon and medical personnel will put you under general anesthesia.
Your plastic surgeon will create incisions along the lines they drew earlier and starts removing the skin and fat. They also will stretch your remaining skin and reattach it along the incision line to provide a smoother look.
Your surgeon will seal the incisions with stitches and cover the surgical site.
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