It may surprise you that the skin of your neck is far more susceptible to aging compared to other regions of your body. This occurs due to the delicate nature of neck skin, which contributes to the formation of odd-looking skin folds or “Turkey wattle”. What is the solution, you may ask? Well, let’s introduce you to neck lift. A neck lift, also known as chin lift or lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and skin from the neck and improves the aging signs and appearance of the jawline and neck. Neck lift has different types, most notably cervicoplasty and platysmaplasty. Your surgeon will choose the type that fits your needs.
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Your surgeon can give you anesthetic medications to put you to sleep. Both general anesthesia and intravenous sedation are available options.
Your surgeon can make a traditional or a limited neck lift incision, depending on the level of improvement you’d like to see. The incision of a typical or traditional neck lift starts from the hairline at the level of the sideburn and runs down and around the ear. After that, your surgeon reshapes the fat in your jowls and neck and tightens a muscle called “platysma muscle”.
Finally, your surgeon seals the incision site with sutures or skin adhesives.
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