Smart Lipo Before and After 2 Months - International Clinics
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  • International Clinics
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  • 09 December 2024

Smart Lipo Before and After 2 Months

Smart Lipo has become a highly sought-after procedure to remove fat and tighten the skin. Before choosing this type, however, many people often ask about the results of Smart lipo before and after 2 months.

People also want to know about ways that help keep the results for as long as possible. Surgeons commonly suggest this technique for those who seek precise, less invasive, and safer liposuction.

Smart lipo (also called SmartLipo Triplex) is a powerful fat reduction method that can remove fat cells permanently. It’s a type of laser-assisted liposuction, which has been proven safer and more effective than traditional liposuction according to studies.

Smart Lipo Before and After 2 Months

The results of Smart lipo vary remarkably among people because it’s originally a minimally invasive procedure. Yet, most patients start to witness a drastic change in their appearance immediately after the procedure.

You must follow the recommended instructions to enjoy the final results of Smart lipo during the months following the procedure. We can track the results of Smart lipo before and after 2 months as follows:

Smart Lipo Before 2 Months

You can start preparing for Smart lipo 2 months before the procedure. During this time, you will meet your doctor and discuss the details of the procedure. Your doctor may take several photos of your body to compare them with photos after the procedure. Smart lipo can remove fat from different areas in the body, including the buttocks, arms, and the back.

Smart Lipo After 1 week

Immediately after the procedure, you may start seeing noticeable results including an apparent reduction of fat in the targeted areas, whether they were the abdomen, back, or thighs. As you recover, the results will manifest and improve gradually.

Smart Lipo After 1 Month

The fat reduction becomes even more apparent after 1 month. During this period, your skin will look and feel smoother and tighter than before. However, the downtime may extend, and you may still feel that you need more time to recover completely.

Smart Lipo After 2 Months

The final result of smart lipo may not manifest after just 2 months. In fact, some patients may need 6-9 months or even a year to witness the final results. This means that you need to be patient and help your body adjust to the newly sculpted areas. Nonetheless, you can start try different garments and pick new fitting clothing to appear more fit after 2 months.

Smart Lipo Before and After 2 Months: Pictures

Most surgeons prefer to take clinical pictures for their patients before the procedure to prepare for a comparison for later times after the surgery.

Smart Lipo Before and After 2 Months: Videos

The next videos display more information about the changes that occur before and after lipo.

Smart Lipo Before and After 2 Months: Recovery 

You may need between 3-6 weeks to recover after Smart lipo. This procedure is known for its long downtime compared to other types of liposuctions, but it remains one of the most effective types.

However, the length of recovery relates pretty much to the complexity and extent of the procedure. Reasonably, you would need a lengthy recovery if you chose to apply Smart lipo to several areas of your body.

Your doctor will provide you with recommendations and tips to spend the recovery phase safely. They may advise you to take complete rest in the first 2 days. If your health is originally strong, you may feel recovered within just three days after the procedure. The recovery period may include the following:

  • Wear compression garments to apply more pressure to the treated areas during the first 2 weeks. This also will encourage your body to take the right shape.
  • You can back to your work within a few days (2-4 days), but it’s always better to avoid exhaustion and intense activities.
  • Do only light exercise, such as walking, and avoid strenuous activities during the first week.
  • You may experience some swelling, bruising, or even minor bleeding.
  • Take medications as prescribed by your doctor. They may include antibiotics to avoid infection in the first week or so.
  • You can massage the treated area after the first week.
  • Avoid bathtubs and swimming in ocean water.

Learn What This Means for You:

Smart Lipo Potential Side Effects Before and After 2 Months

Despite being called a “magic cure for bulging hips and thighs” by some news sources, Smart lipo is still a surgical intervention and requires a certain level of anesthesia.

As you may already heard, anesthesia has its own potential risks. Through the months following Smart lipo, you may experience side effects, but this remains very rare. In any case, the list of potential side effects includes:

  • Scars formation
  • Bruising or hematoma (blood accumulation under the skin)
  • Skin burns
  • Bleeding
  • Infection

How to Keep the Results of Smart Lipo?

The results of Smart lipo are usually satisfactory for most cases, but unfortunately, not all patients keep the results permanently. Doctors often suggest the following ways to keep the results for as long as possible:

Maintain a Stable Weight

Clearly, weight fluctuations are not a good thing after Smart lipo. Your body will continue making store energy in the form of fat all over your body. You must manage your weight through diet and exercise to maintain the results. People often suggest both aerobic and resistance exercises to reach this goal.

Follow Healthy Lifestyle

Bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol drinking, should be a thing of the past after Smart lipo! You must also keep yourself distant from stress and sedentary lifestyle. Exercising should be a part of your daily life to enhance your metabolism and keep good results.

Pay Attention to Skincare

Smart lipo can tighten and smooth your skin, but the result may fade away with time if you don’t pay enough attention to the health of your skin. You can easily get creams and ointments to keep the elasticity of your skin and extend the results even further.

Avoid Pregnancy

Pregnancy constitutes the single most important factor that determines the extent of Smart lipo results in women. It’s highly important to wait until no pregnancy is expected before having liposuction. The changes associated with pregnancy and childbirth greatly affect the results of any kind of liposuction.

The Bottom Line

The results of Smart lipo before and after 2 months are not always the same for all patients. However, most patients start to notice immediate results after a couple of weeks. The fat would seem less accumulated in the treated areas and skin would look tighter and more vibrant.

At International Clinics, our patients report both immediate and gradual results through the months that follow the procedure. If you consider this treatment, you can reach us directly by pressing the buttons on our website.


Many people start to see the results immediately after Smart lipo, often during the first 2-4 days. However, the full, final results usually manifest after a couple of months.

Smart lipo is not a weight loss procedure, but it can shed some extra pounds. In fact, some people can lose a few pounds (less than 10 pounds or 4 kg) after the procedure, but not everyone is the same.

You must wear compression garments for at least 2-3 weeks after Smart lipo. These garments come in different shapes, and they are very helpful for keeping your body in shape.

You must avoid rigorous activities and immersing yourself in water Smart lipo. Also, you must avoid the sun and rubbing the site of the surgery. After all, Smart lipo is a surgery that needs post-operative care.

It’s not recommended to drive yourself home after Smart lipo. Instead, it’s better to call someone to drive you home and stay with you in the first days following the procedure.

A light massage after Smart lipo is a good idea, but not always necessary. Some clinics offer their patients massage sessions to ensure optimal recovery after the procedure.

The result of liposuction needs some time to appear, at least in some cases. Also, the swelling could make you look heavier after the procedure.