Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that can help you shed unwanted fat from stubborn areas that refuse to shrink, no matter how hard you try with diet and exercise.
Skilled plastic surgeons also use terms such as liposculpture or lipoplasty to refer to this procedure.
Unsurprisingly, only skilled plastic or dermatologic surgeons should carry out the procedure, which can target various parts of your body, including the face, neck, hips, belly, thighs, buttocks, back, and arms.
It’s very important to be aware of the body areas that liposuction can target as this knowledge can help you determine exactly if the procedure is a good option for you or not. It’s also worth knowing about liposuction techniques dedicated to each area.
In any case, what makes liposuction in Turkey a very requested procedure by people is its ability to target numerous parts of the body. Besides, liposuction can also team up with other plastic surgeries like facelifts, breast reductions, and tummy tucks.
However, the success of the procedure relies heavily on your commitment. If you neglect a healthy lifestyle after the procedure, theres a possibility that the remaining fat cells might expand and try to regain their former shape.
Before reviewing the areas that liposuction surgery can target, it’s important to mention the types of liposuction based on the location of the fat. These types may include:
Subcutaneous liposuction is actually another term referring to liposuction in general. After all, liposuction mostly targets subcutaneous fat, which is the type of fat located below the skin and above the muscle. It doesn’t work for much deeper fat in the abdomen.
Subcutaneous fat is the soft, squishy fat right beneath your skin. It doesn usually cause health problems, but it can bother you if you don like how it looks.
Visceral liposuction usually refers to liposuction that targets deep fat pockets inside the abdomen. However, when your belly sticks out because of excess fat around your organs, liposuction won help. The only ways that really work in reducing this type of fat are proper diet and exercise.
While having a significant amount of deep belly fat might not stop you from getting liposuction, it can influence the outcomes youll achieve with the treatment. In other words, having a lot of visceral fat doesn rule out liposuction, but it can impact what youll see after the procedure.
The superficial liposuction approach isn about getting rid of fat from specific areas; instead, it’s more focused on firming up your skin, addressing sagging, and tackling cellulite. Superficial liposuction is a procedure that targets the outer layers of your skin, and it can be performed independently or in combination with deeper liposuction.
Following is the liposuction areas diagram:
ALiposuction can be a great option for reducing fat in numerous locations or areas in your body. This led many people to categorize liposuction based on the targeted area. Below are the major areas that can be targeted by liposuction.
Abdomen or stomach liposuction is a popular cosmetic surgery because it targets the persistent fat in the belly, which is one of the most desirable areas to slim down.
The way it works is simple: a thin tube called a cannula is inserted beneath your skin to gently vacuum away those unwanted fatty deposits. The best part is that you won need to stay in the hospital for this because its typically an outpatient procedure.
Plus, you can get back to your regular routine within just a few days. The results are pretty amazing and last for a long time. The process begins with small incisions in your skin, followed by the cannula expertly suctioning out the fat.
Abdomen liposuction could be used using different methods, such as traditional liposuction, tumescent liposuction, and power-assisted liposuction (PAL).
Thigh liposuction is a surgery that helps get rid of stubborn thigh fat for good, which can highly improve your bodys contours.
In the thigh, most extra fat can be found on the saddlebags, inner thighs, or even the knees. The procedure involves using slender tubes to suction out the excess fat from under your skin, leaving behind hardly noticeable scars.
Unlike common liposuction zones like the stomach, thigh liposuction is all about slimming down your thighs by targeting those areas where fat tends to accumulate.
Whether its your inner thighs, outer thighs, or both, it can be a solution if your body has a natural tendency to store fat there.
With liposuction, you can permanently remove fat cells from these trouble spots, reshaping your bodys overall appearance, and this change will persist even if your weight fluctuates later.
However, the best results from thigh liposuction are typically seen in individuals who are already in good physical shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This means that if you e already taking care of your body, youll enjoy the most noticeable benefits after the procedure.
Leg liposuction helps you get rid of unwanted fat in specific leg areas, making your legs look slimmer and more toned. Many people are turning to this procedure to enhance their leg shape and appearance.
The growing popularity of leg liposuction is due to several key factors. One important factor is that it can target exact leg zones like the thighs, calves, and ankles.
These areas are often tricky to slim down through diet and exercise alone. Leg liposuction can effectively give you a more balanced and attractive look, addressing those stubborn spots. Additionally, it can help with issues like sagging skin, which might result from losing weight or getting older.
Another reason for the appeal of leg liposuction is that its not very invasive in nature. Unlike traditional surgeries, this procedure is done with local anesthesia or sedation, which means you won be completely under. Plus, the recovery time is relatively short. This means you can return to your regular activities more quickly compared to more invasive treatments.
Hip liposuction is a fantastic way to get rid of stubborn fat around your hips. This goes for both men and women. Hip fat can be a bit tougher to hide under your clothes compared to the more obvious saddlebags on your outer thighs.
The cool thing about hip liposuction is that its a very gentle procedure. It can precisely target and remove those pesky fat deposits that love to hang around your hips, so you can get a shapelier figure.
With hip liposuction, you can say goodbye to this bulging and reveal a beautiful hourglass shape. Not only will it make your lower body look better, but it can also have a big impact on your overall appearance, even changing the way your upper body looks.
Liposuction is also a great solution for those looking to get rid of persistent fat in their arms. Indeed, it helps shape areas we might not be happy with and deal with those stubborn bulges that just won disappear easily, no matter how much we hit the gym.
Arm liposuction is a less intense option compared to an arm lift, which is known as brachioplasty.
Arm liposuction works by slimming down the shape of your arms. Its especially good for people who have certain spots of fat that seem glued to their arms and won go away, even if they e not too much overweight.
The procedure used to be a complex thing that only the rich and famous could get. But nowadays, its way less complicated. You usually don have to stay in the hospital, and the recovery time is pretty short.
Many women and men seek back liposuction to get rid of unwanted fat in their back area. This back fat can be stubborn, sticking around even if you eat well and exercise regularly. In fact, it may not go away even when you lose weight.
Back liposuction can be a great way to say goodbye to that extra fat and any saggy skin that might be hanging around. The results are usually smoother and more toned. This procedure can target fat around the bra strap area or just above the buttocks, creating a nice transition from the back to the butt and giving your whole body a better look.
After all, back fat can be a real bother, often showing up as those "bra rolls" that you see when women wear bras or sometimes as noticeable bulges when men wear certain types of pants.
Neck liposuction, also known as submental liposuction, is a procedure designed to get rid of excess fat under the neck. This fat buildup can sometimes be due to genetics, and it gives the neck a fuller appearance.
When you get neck liposuction, it can give you a more sculpted and shapely neck, and this can have a positive impact on your overall facial appearance.
The ideal candidates for neck liposuction are often younger folks, typically in their 20s and 30s, who have healthy, good-quality skin.
Neck liposuction targets a few areas at the same time. It can address the chin, jawline, and the neck region. You can use it to get rid of a double chin, define your jawline, and remove any excess fat under your neck.
This region of your body goes by different names, like flanks, "love handles," or "spare tires." Basically, its the area below your ribcage, extending from your waist down to your hips on the sides.
Unfortunately, the fat in this area responds poorly to regular methods like diet and exercise. Many people decide to go for a type of liposuction called “VASER liposuction” to tackle these stubborn fat pockets.
This liposuction type can help you feel more confident in your clothes and get the body shape you want.
With breast liposuction, you can get rid of excess breast fat and improve your life without going through major surgery or a complete reconstruction. The procedure can also prevent back pain and other symptoms associated with large breasts.
Breast liposuction can be a part of breast reduction surgery, which is an ideal procedure for many women who feel unhappy about the size and fullness of their breasts.
While liposuction for breast reduction has been discussed in medical literature for the last ten years, it hasn been used widely. However, many doctors believe that its an excellent way to reduce breast size. Tumescent liposuction, in particular, can help make your breasts smaller and also give them a noticeable lift.
Many women face issues with excess fat in their buttocks, which can make it challenging to wear certain skirts and swimwear. In many cases, this isn just about the buttocks; it can also involve extra fat in the hips, outer thighs, and inner thighs.
Liposuction is a way to significantly reduce the volume of the buttocks, bringing them into proportion with the rest of your body. This allows you to wear a wider range of clothes, even things like jeans that you might not have been able to fit into before buttock liposuction.
VASER liposuction is great for working on the buttocks creases and hips. It targets those areas where you want to remove unwanted fat and sculpt your body for a more defined shape, all without the need for fat transfer.
However, performing liposuction on the actual butt cheeks is not a common procedure compared to other butt-focused procedures such as butt lift or BBL.
Calf liposuction helps remove extra fat around the calf area or from the front part of your lower leg. This includes fat in the calf muscles, ankles, and Achilles tendons. When you have calf and ankle liposuction, it can make your lower legs look more refined and balanced.
The great thing about this surgery is that its simple and doesn require major incisions. In fact, liposuction is pretty effective in the calves and ankles because it physically takes out the stubborn fat cells that just won go away with diet and exercise.
This not only leads to significant changes in your appearance but also provides long-lasting results.
Similar to calf liposuction, the main aim here is to slim down your ankles and give your lower leg a longer and more slender appearance. The perfect lower leg should have a gradual narrowing all the way to the ankle, with a clear definition around the Achilles tendon as it rises from the ankle.
Liposuction is a method that can help achieve these goals. Hence, ankle liposuction is purely about making ankles and calves look better and is perfect for those who don like the way these areas look and want a quick way to make them smaller.
However, for people with certain health issues, having excess fat around the ankle can be more than just a cosmetic concern.
Conditions like lipedema can cause pain, and the fat in the ankle area may not respond to regular weight loss methods.
If the extra fat in your ankles is causing discomfort or making it difficult for you to walk safely, your doctor might suggest surgically removing these fat deposits using liposuction techniques.
Liposuction can target both large and small (specific) areas in the body. For instance, abdomen liposuction can divide into upper and lower abdomen liposuction based on the targeted area. Below are the most common specific areas targeted by liposuction:
The Buffalo Hump refers to the noticeable hunched appearance caused by excess fat between your shoulder blades (below the back of your neck). Its often linked to poor posture from having your head forward.
Fortunately, VASER Liposuction is a great option to battle this problem and remove stubborn fat deposits.
This minimally invasive technology gently liquefies the fat before removing it, ensuring minimal scarring and superior results compared to traditional liposuction. So, if you e looking to improve your upper back and neck contours and regain a more youthful appearance, VASER Liposuction might be the right choice for you.
For those looking for a flatter and tighter upper stomach or abdomen, you can undergo abdominal liposuction that can specifically target the upper portion of the abdomen. It’s a procedure that you can get done without staying overnight in the hospital and the results can stick around for quite a while.
During this procedure, they focus on the upper part of your belly, right below your ribcage. Surely, if you choose to target both the upper and lower abdomen, you can have the whole area covered.
Surgeons usually target the lower belly fat using tumescent liposuction. In short, they inject a good amount of saltwater into the fatty area just beneath your skin. This special saline solution makes the fat puff up, making it easier to remove. They do the removal using a small tube called a cannula.
Keep in mind, though, that liposuction isn a magic weight loss solution. Its only can deal with specific pockets of fat in particular areas. It doesn tackle weight loss for your whole body.
Upper body liposuction is a surgery designed to get rid of extra fat from various upper body areas like the arms and chest. Its suitable for both men and women and helps shape and contour these areas, eliminating excessive fat from the upper arms, armpits, back, and side rolls.
Many women opt for upper body liposuction along with breast lift surgery. During the procedure, a small tube called a cannula is used, and its inserted through tiny cuts in the skin.
Then, they gently suck out the excess fat with a vacuum device. This approach can make a noticeable difference in your upper bodys appearance and give you the results you e looking for.
The forearm is the part between your wrist and elbow, sometimes known as the lower arm. When people have a lot of loose skin on their forearms, they can consider getting a forearm liposuction. Often, this goes hand in hand with a forearm lift to improve the overall appearance.
However, many people try to avoid this type of liposuction due to the risk of scar formation on the exposed forearm. For forearms with only a bit of loose skin, the scar from the procedure can be hidden in the armpit area, so its not too noticeable.
Arm liposuction can be also effective to reshaping the upper arms by removing extra fat. This procedure is great for those whove tried diet and exercise but still can achieve the toned arms they desire.
During the surgery, they make a small incision and then suction out the unwanted fat. Not only does the upper arm liposuction enhance appearance, but it also boosts self-confidence and makes wearing everyday clothes more comfortable.
Having excess fat in the upper arms- often referred to as "Bingo wings” or "Tuck shop arms" can be problematic, especially if the fat accumulates as a unified fold. Even with diet and exercise, this fold could refuse to go away easily.
Upper arm fold liposuction is one possible solution for this issue along with other options such as Coolsculpting. Liposuction, however, remains a more accessible and effective way to achieve the results you e after.
Some thighs are curvier on the outer side but slimmer on the inner side near the groin. Others may carry extra fat on the front part, while some have it mainly on the inner thigh. Front-of-thigh liposuction is available to target the front-of-thigh separately.
Remember, however, that the way our thighs are shaped and where the fat is stored is largely determined by our genetics. Thats why it can be tough to get rid of excess fat through diet and exercise alone. A safe and permanent solution to remove that unwanted fat is liposuction.
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Thinner, more sculpted thighs that often look more toned are usually the result of liposuction that also targets the back of the thighs. In some cases, inner thigh liposuction can even create an inner thigh gap.
During the posterior or back thigh liposuction, surgeons often use a special vibrating tool to loosen up the fat cells from the connecting tissue, and then carefully suck out the fat using a vacuum.
However, many people with excess thigh fat also have stretch marks and cellulite. Unfortunately, liposuction isn a solution to these concerns.
If you want to enhance the way your outer thighs look, thigh liposuction is one of the options to consider. Its a cosmetic surgery that focuses on removing extra fat from the outer portions of the thighs.
Sometimes, surgeons choose to use liposuction to target the inner or outer thighs at the same time. In this procedure, they use a tiny handheld tool called a cannula, and its inserted through small cuts in your skin. The cannulas job is to break down those unwanted fat cells and then carefully suction them out of your body.
The inner knee liposuction might catch the interest of anyone who’s been struggling with stubborn fat around their knees. This procedure isn meant for significant weight loss, however, but its excellent for those small pockets of fat that won go away despite your efforts with diet and exercise.
To make an informed decision, its better to have a meeting with a certified plastic surgeon. They can walk you through the potential advantages, risks, and expenses related to this treatment.
Front knee liposuction is a surgical procedure to get rid of unwanted fat from the frontal surface of the knee area. These fatty deposits can be quite stubborn and are commonly found on older adults.
Your knees will become slimmer and more balanced in appearance if your surgeon uses liposuction techniques to break down fat cells in the front of your knees without damaging ligaments in the area.
Liposuction has become a widely used cosmetic surgery to reshape the upper breast area, thanks to its safety and success. Women with minimal sagging are usually the best candidates for this procedure.
However, it took some time for many plastic surgeons to see liposuction as a valid option for women with large breasts. They were concerned that liposuction might lead to breast sagging or drooping.
This, thankfully, has been changed as liposuction breast reduction was proven to be as effective as traditional breast reduction surgery in reducing breast size.
Submental Liposuction is just another alternative term describing neck liposuction or chin liposuction.
In short, it’s a facial cosmetic procedure designed to reduce the look of a "double chin" or excess fat beneath the chin and neck.
This surgery has helped countless people enhance the appearance of their neck and chin area over the years. Its a reliable way to achieve the look you desire.
If youve reached or are close to your desired weight but still struggle with stubborn chin fat, submental liposuction can be an excellent solution.
Surgeons refer to cheek liposuction also as buccal fat reduction or facial liposuction and is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to reduce excess fat in the cheeks.
By removing the buccal fat pads in the lower part of your cheeks, this surgery can help you achieve a more sculpted and refined facial appearance.
If you e looking to define your jawline, highlight your facial features, and appear more youthful, cheek liposuction could be a great choice.
Liposuction offers numerous health benefits, like enhancing your mobility and appearance. Above all, it’s a proven method to eliminate stubborn fat that diet and exercise can touch. The key liposuction benefits include:
Some areas in the body may require specific type(s) of liposuction to reduce fat pockets. In general, the techniques of liposuction include:
Tumescent liposuction, also known as "local liposuction," is a less invasive approach to fat removal compared to traditional surgery. It doesn always require full anesthesia; instead, it uses a special solution consisting of adrenaline, saline, and local anesthesia to prepare the targeted area for fat extraction.
The use of local anesthesia and the tumescent technique makes it a less intense experience compared to conventional liposuction. Thus, you can potentially avoid the need for general anesthesia, making it a more accessible option for various individuals seeking fat reduction. This procedure is versatile and can safely eliminate excess fat from numerous body areas, such as:
Ultrasonic liposuction, also called ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) or VASER liposuction, is a cosmetic procedure that uses ultrasound and soundwaves to break down fat cells. Surgeons describe this method as a safe way to turn fat into liquid form, making it easier to remove.
During this procedure, a device called a cannula emits gentle soundwaves, specifically targeting fat cells without harming other tissues. This method is ideal for various body areas, including the:
Laser lipolysis or laser-assisted liposuction (LAL) uses laser energy to target fat tissue and then employs the lasers heat to tighten the skin. After that, a suction machine is used to remove the melted fat.
Luckily, laser lipolysis can be performed in a doctors office, and the procedure typically takes just around 30 minutes. Besides, there is no need for anesthesia, so you can go back to your regular activities immediately.
This technique is often recommended by plastic surgeons for targeting fat in specific areas, such as:
Power-assisted liposuction (PAL) represents a remarkable advancement in the field of liposuction as it can eliminate stubborn fat deposits that were once difficult to remove using traditional methods.
The PAL liposuction incorporates a gentle vibrating motion in the cannula during the procedure, which significantly enhances the process and allows the surgeon to exert less physical force when maneuvering the cannula.
The result is reduced bruising, less swelling, and a quicker recovery for the patient. The technique can also address spots like:
Water-assisted liposuction (WAL) or body-jet liposuction is an advanced and gentle way to surgically reduce stubborn fat deposits. Unlike traditional liposuction methods, WAL uses a unique technique to dislodge fat and eliminate it permanently while being gentle on your skin.
During the procedure, your surgeon uses a special tool to spray a fluid solution into the fatty tissue. This solution then immediately sucks out the dislodged fat cells. The gentle water-jet method helps break down the fat without harming the layers just below your skin.
Compared to older liposuction methods, WAL is less forceful and carries a lower risk of side effects. With WAL, surgeon can remove substantial amounts of fat from various body areas, such as:
We can mention the steps involved in preparing, conducting, and recovery after liposuction as follows:
Before your liposuction procedure, there are several steps that you may need to take to ensure a safe and successful experience.
The way liposuction is performed depends on the chosen technique. Your surgeon will choose the technique based on the target body area and your goals.
Liposuction recovery often goes smoothly without much inconvenience, especially if the patient considers the following recommendations:
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To make the right decision, you need to weigh the potential benefits against the risks and complications involved. The possible risks associated with liposuction may include:
International Clinics have provided liposuction to thousands of patients from all around the world. Let’s tell you 2 real-life stories of patients who chose to have liposuction in our clinics.
Zena was admitted to our clinics in April 2022 and underwent different tests before deciding to undergo both liposuction and tummy tuck surgery. The liposuction targeted multiple areas in her abdomen.
Mirna’s mother also decided to have both liposuction and tummy tuck surgery. The liposuction target multiple areas in her body and the results were intriguing, thanks to employing different techniques at the same time.
The cost of liposuction surgery differs for each part of the body. Often, its mainly determined by the patients size and the surgeons time and effort. This cost also covers various expenses like anesthesia, lab fees before surgery, and other factors.
The expenses for liposuction on the abdomen or breasts can vary greatly based on how much fat needs to be removed and the specific technique used by the surgeon.
As for other areas like calves, ankles, knees, or the face, the cost can also fluctuate depending on the complexity and difficulty of the procedure. The more complicated it is, the more it might cost. Heres an estimation of the cost for different areas in Turkey:
Liposuction in the body area | Liposuction Cost |
Abdomen | 2000 to 3500 US dollars |
Breasts | 2000 to 3500 US dollars |
Arms | 1500 to 2000 US dollars |
Buttocks | 2000 to 2500 US dollars |
Thighs | 2000 to 2500 US dollars |
Hips | 2000 to 2500 US dollars |
Flanks | 1500 to 2000 US dollars |
Back | 2000 to 2500 US dollars |
Neck | 1500 to 2000 US dollars |
Chin | 1500 to 2000 US dollars |
The time it takes to see results after liposuction can vary depending on the technique used and how well you follow post-op instructions.
After the tumescent liposuction, for instance, you’ll start noticing changes after just a week because it causes minimal swelling. After all, this method is relatively fast in terms of recovery. If you wear the compression garment as instructed, you can expect to see the final results in about a month.
The water-assisted liposuction, on the other hand, is quicker than tumescent liposuction but comes with more swelling afterward. It may take two to three weeks before you begin seeing any results.
In any case, don worry much if you experience bruising and swelling right after the surgery. Its a normal part of the healing process. Beneath the surface, your body is undergoing incredible changes. Your skin might appear a bit loose as it adjusts to your new shape, but your doctor will provide you with compression clothing to aid in this process.
Liposuction is a popular cosmetic surgery that is a highly effective method for eliminating stubborn fat from various parts of the body, including the abdomen, breast or chest, back, arms, buttocks, legs, etc.
While its not intended for weight loss, it can effectively target and remove unwanted fat cells, at least semi-permanently.
Many doctors highlight its potential for addressing issues like excess belly fat or love handles, offering a less invasive alternative to a full tummy tuck and a way to achieve a shapelier figure.
Yet, liposuction can benefit other body areas as well, even those with minimal fat to remove, yielding impressive outcomes.
When choosing liposuction, its better to maintain realistic expectations and consult an expert to explore the possibilities of liposuction for enhancing your appearance. Thankfully, liposuction cost in Turkey is affordable for most people regardless of the targeted area.