Choosing the Right Clinic: A Guide to Obesity Surgery in Turkey

Choosing the Right Clinic: A Guide to Obesity Surgery in Turkey Choosing the Right Clinic: A Guide to Obesity Surgery in Turkey Choosing the Right Clinic: A Guide to Obesity Surgery in Turkey


Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) over 35-40. This may be a prerequisite for stomach reduction surgery in most clinics in Turkey.

Patients should be over 18 years old, have failed to lose weight through other methods such as diet and exercise and get medical clearance from their doctor. Candidates must be also prepared to make major lifestyle changes in their eating habits and commit to follow-up care after surgery.

Important pre-surgery measures include quitting smoking at least 6 weeks before surgery, adjusting to a proper bariatric diet, getting necessary lab work done, and undergoing any required medical examinations to ensure fitness for surgery.

Dietary restrictions after stomach reduction surgery usually involve eating small portions of low-fat, high-protein foods. Foods high in calories, fat, or sugar need to be avoided.

For patients who follow the recommended lifestyle changes, success rates for significant long-term weight loss are over 70% after stomach reduction surgery in Turkey.

Aftercare involves regular follow-up appointments, nutritional counseling and education on diet, exercises tailored to patients' new lifestyle, physical and mental health assessments, and continued medication (if needed).

Common risks include infection, blood clots, leaks from staple breakdown, malnutrition, dehydration, vomiting, and potentially inadequate weight loss or weight regain if lifestyle changes are not maintained well enough.

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