Eyelid Surgery: The Ultimate Guide to Blepharoplasty Plastic Surgery

Eyelid Surgery: The Ultimate Guide to Blepharoplasty Plastic Surgery Eyelid Surgery: The Ultimate Guide to Blepharoplasty Plastic Surgery Eyelid Surgery: The Ultimate Guide to Blepharoplasty Plastic Surgery

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure to rejuvenate the area around the eyes. 

The story of this surgery requires an in-depth look and discussion, especially regarding who can benefit from this surgery and what results to expect. 

With aging, the eyelids stretch, and extra fat and skin can accumulate, making the eyes appear tired. 

Besides, genetics and environmental factors can lead to the same effects, which make the eyes appear overweight, sagging, and overtired. 

Fortunately, eyelid surgery can refresh and rejuvenate this delicate area by removing excess fat, eliminating bags, tightening muscles, and exercising loose skin. 

The outcome involves a more youthful, bright-eyed, and alert appearance. Continue reading to learn all about the details of this plastic surgery for the eyelids and surrounding area.


Understanding Eyelid Surgery

Simply, eyelid surgery involves reshaping or altering the upper and lower eyelids to rejuvenate the eyes and overall facial appearance. 

There are a few different techniques and approaches for surgery on the upper and lower lids. 

Upper blepharoplasty focuses on removing excess fatty tissue, redundant skin, and muscle from the upper eyelids in particular. 

The surgeon makes an incision in the natural upper eyelid crease to access the underlying muscle and fat. Excess skin can also be removed for a smoother look. 

In contrast, the lower blepharoplasty targets the lower eyelid area through incisions just below the lash line or inside the lower lid. 

Most surgeons try to address fatty pockets and bagginess through surgery. The goal is to address wrinkles, under-eye bags, drooping skin, and a tired look for a more refreshed, open-eyed, and youthful result. 

Clearly, there are many reasons patients seek blepharoplasty surgery. As we naturally age, the eyelid skin stretches, muscles weaken, and fat pockets bulge, which leads to a drooping, heavy-lidded appearance. 

Heredity can also play a role in this matter. Eyelid surgery recontours the area, not only improving one's look but also enhancing vision that drooping eyelids may obstruct. 

Read More about: Blepharoplasty in Turkey

Benefits and Outcomes of Blepharoplasty Surgery

Outcomes of Blepharoplasty Surgery

If an experienced surgeon carries out the surgery, the risks arFtue low, and both the aesthetic and functional rewards or benefits are significant for those seeking eyelid rejuvenation. 

In short, blepharoplasty plastic surgery offers numerous aesthetic and functional benefits that can dramatically improve appearance and quality of life:

More Refreshed Look

By removing excess eyelid skin, smoothing wrinkles, and eliminating under-eye bags, the surgery can awesomely make patients look 5 to 10 years younger once healing is complete. Instinctively, the eyes are central to facial appearance, so rejuvenating this area creates a more wide-awake, well-rested look.

Enhanced Self-Confidence

Patients feel they look better after eyelid surgery and are even much more satisfied and confident with their positive appearance. After all, smoothing eyelid wrinkles and bags can make one look vibrant and feel more socially outgoing.

Expanded Field of Vision

For those with sagging upper eyelids, removing excess skin can expand the upper peripheral field of vision, which probably was affected by droopy lids. This functional benefit comes together with cosmetic enhancement.

Long-Lasting Results

Unlike injectable treatments, the effects of eyelid surgery can last for many years. Once the swelling subsides (within a few weeks), the most visible results appear within a couple of months. However, improvements may continue over the first year.

Quick Recovery

Blepharoplasty is a quick procedure with relatively quick recovery. Stitches are removed within a week. While some bruising may occur, it can be concealed with makeup. Many patients return to work within 10 days to two weeks.

Risks and Considerations of Blepharoplasty Plastic Surgery

Risks are uncommon if an experienced surgeon performs the procedure. Thus, you need to thoroughly research surgeons and select one who is highly experienced in blepharoplasty procedures to minimize risks.

Be sure to discuss your complete medical history and goals during consultation. In any case, some possible risks and side effects related to eyelid surgery include:

The Surgical Procedure

Blepharoplasty Surgery procedure

The surgery is commonly performed as an outpatient procedure (taking 1-3 hours depending on complexity). The surgical process varies based on each patient's specific goals and necessary modifications. However, the general steps of the procedure often include the following: 

  1. Anesthesia: You will be given general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation to keep you comfortable.
  2. Incisions: Your surgeons will make small incisions in the natural upper and/or lower eyelid creases.
  3. Reshaping: Excess skin, fat, and muscle are removed or repositioned through these incisions.
  4. Closing Incisions: Once the repositioning is finished, absorbable sutures, skin adhesives or tape may be used to close the incisions.

Preparing for Eyelid Surgery

Preparing for Eyelid Surgery

To prepare for eyelid surgery, doctors of medical experts often recommend patients to do the following:

Recovery and Aftercare of Blepharoplasty Plastic Surgery

Recovery and Aftercare of Blepharoplasty Plastic Surgery

The initial recovery after eyelid surgery typically lasts 2-4 weeks. We can provide tips to help optimize the eyelid surgery recovery period as follows:

Our Patient Stories

Many patients who underwent blepharoplasty surgery share their inspiring real-life stories and experiences. Below are some of International Clinics’ patients:  

Patient N.Q. (a 39-Year-Old Female from Estonia)

Our patient expressed frustrations for many years due to under-eye bags and wrinkles that made her look constantly “tired”. After lower blepharoplasty, her life changed according to her reports and testimony. 

She definitely is looking younger now, maybe 10 years younger! Her family and friends reported how bright, refreshed, and confident she looked.

Patient T.R. (a 39-Year-Old Male from Canada)

This patient underwent upper blepharoplasty to improve his vision, which was sadly obstructed by sagging eyelids. He was amazed not only by his expanded field of vision but also by how much younger he looked. The last thing he said was: “I am seeing the real me for the first time. I just can't believe it!”

Combining Eyelid Surgery with Other Procedures

Experienced plastic surgeons can combine blepharoplasty surgery with other facial procedures to achieve nearly “complete” rejuvenation and open the eyes and forehead area. Such procedures include: 

The Cost of Eyelid Surgery

The cost of eyelid surgery ranges from 1,000 - 3,000 USD per eyelid in Turkey. However, remember that there are many factors affecting the price such as the surgeon's expertise, geographic location, extent of correction needed, and other things. 

Additionally, some costs may be covered by insurance if vision is impaired. Below are the estimated costs of the surgery in different countries: 

Finding the Right Surgeon for Blepharoplasty Plastic Surgery

Although eyelid surgery is simpler than other invasive plastic procedures, the common wisdom still stands when it comes to the importance of researching the qualifications of the surgeon when choosing an eyelid surgeon. 

You need to evaluate their before-and-after photos, reviews, and experience with blepharoplasty.

During consultations, discuss your goals thoroughly and ask about specifics like technique, recovery, risks, and number of procedures performed. Finding the right surgeon for you could be easier if you remember the following tips: 

International Comparisons

In the USA and UK, upper blepharoplasty is seemingly more common to rejuvenate drooping eyelids. 

In Australia and Turkey, however, lower blepharoplasty is more popular to fix under-eye bags. 

Newer techniques like transconjunctival blepharoplasty and orbital fat grafting are gaining popularity in developed countries. 

Asian blepharoplasty to create more defined eyelid creases is more prevalent in East Asia, such as Thailand and South Korea.

Although statistics on the subject are still limited, many experts point out an increase in the demand for eyelid surgery in Asian countries, especially in China and South Korea. 


Eyelid surgery (or blepharoplasty) is a procedure that can provide significant rejuvenation around the eyes. 

Many consider it as a perfect solution to the eyelids that get tired due to aging and other factors. 

Vision obstructed by sagging upper lids can be also improved by removing excess tissue.

In sum, eyelid surgery allows for the removal of excess skin, muscle, and fatty deposits to smooth away these signs of aging. 

The results reveal refreshed, youthful-looking eyes with a more open and alert appearance.

Of course, any surgery poses risks, which should be thoroughly discussed with your provider. However, choosing an experienced plastic surgeon specialized in blepharoplasty is the path to ensure the safest, most rewarding experience. 

If droopy, wrinkled eyelids are making you appear overly tired or aged, consider scheduling a consultation about blepharoplasty. 

International Clinics provides all the details you need to make an informed decision. Take the first step toward unveiling your most youthful and contact us now. 


The recovery period starts after the procedure and could last for up to 3 weeks. Swelling and bruising peak on day 3 and then subside. Most patients can return to work in 7-10 days.

Visible results include smoother, tighter eyelids, reduced bags and wrinkles, and a more open, youthful eye appearance.

When performed right, results can last 5-10 years or more before aging effects reemerge.

Incisions are made in the natural eyelid creases to hide scars. Scars fade over time and are typically not noticeable a few months after surgery.

Blepharoplasty can be performed from the 30s through the 70s. The 40s to 60s tend to be ideal ages to correct moderate sagging skin and achieve rejuvenation.

There may be some mild discomfort, but medication is prescribed to manage pain. Any pain subsides within a week as the swelling disappears.

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Most important references

Cleveland Clinic, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Stanford Medicine,


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