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Intro To Liposuction

Intro To Liposuction

We hear you well! You need to get appealing body proportions and contours and remove stubborn fat in specific areas. For this reason, we use liposuction techniques that can sculpt a better shape for any area of your body. Liposuction or lipo is a cosmetic treatment that slims and reshapes certain parts of the body by removing unwanted fat deposits and enhancing body contours and proportion. With minimal pain and a short recovery time, liposuction is a game-changer for both men and women looking to enhance their body shape. So why wait? Contact our experienced cosmetic surgeons today for a free consultation and discover how liposuction can transform your life.

Benefits of Liposuction

One of the primary benefits of liposuction is achieving an improved body shape. This procedure targets stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise, allowing individuals to achieve a more sculpted appearance. Whether it’s eliminating love handles or reducing thigh circumference, liposuction can help enhance your overall physique. Another advantage lies in how liposuction can positively impact self-image. Many people struggle with body image issues due to localized fat deposits that persist despite their best efforts. By removing these unwanted pockets of fat, liposuction can boost self-confidence and improve self-esteem. Unsurprisingly, the demand for liposuction is increasing worldwide among women who are searching for quick and safe methods to slim specific areas in their bodies. If you choose to undergo liposuction, you will receive multiple aesthetic and therapeutic benefits, including:

Benefits of Liposuction
  • 1Enhance the curves and contours of specific parts of your body, such as thighs, hips, abdomen, and back.
  • 2Improve your overall health and prevent obesity-related issues.
  • 3Treat medical issues, such as lymphatic edemas or lipomas.
  • 4Get a more aesthetically appealing physique and appearance.
  • 5Remove fat folds that diet and exercise fail to remove.
  • 6Boost your self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • 7Remove stubborn fat cells permanently.
  • 8Enhance your mobility and feel stronger.
  • 9Be ready to choose new attractive clothing for your new body curves!
  • 10Feel like celebrities, such as Mariah Carey and Kim Kardashian, who underwent liposuction to get a more attractive body!

Candidates for Liposuction

First and foremost, you must find a skilled surgeon who masters the techniques of liposuction. Together, you should decide on the type of liposuction that fit your needs and discuss your expectations, goals, and safety of the procedure. The preparation for liposuction also includes:

 Candidates for Liposuction
  • 1Test your skin type and evaluate its elasticity
  • 2Review your allergies and prescribed medications or supplements
  • 3Stop taking certain medications and vitamins
  • 4Undergo laboratory tests
  • 5Quit smoking

Steps of Liposuction

The type of liposuction you’re getting determines the exact steps of your procedure. You either will undergo this surgery in an outpatient facility or in a surgical center. Your surgeon may suggest you go to the hospital if they intend to remove a large quantity of fat. The amount of fat your surgeon will remove determines how long the surgery takes. The steps of liposuction surgery involve:

1. Anesthesia

1. Anesthesia

You need to receive anesthesia before the surgery. You can receive either local or general anesthesia

2. Incisions Making

2. Incisions Making

Your surgeon will use a suction device linked to a cannula. They make small incisions and insert the cannula into the fatty tissues between the skin and the muscle.

3. Fat Removal

3. Fat Removal

By using the suction syringe, your surgeon will remove the excess fat through the incisions.

4. Incision Closure

4. Incision Closure

Finally, your surgeon sews skin wounds with stitches. After you wake up from the procedure, you may notice a tiny tube connected to the surgical site. Don’t worry! This is the canula that still removes fat.

Recovery After Liposuction

Recovery from liposuction is a crucial part of the overall process. Taking care of yourself after the procedure ensures optimal healing and long-term results. Let’s delve into some important aspects of recovery and aftercare for liposuction.

Recovery After Liposuction
  • 1Compression garments: Reducing swelling and promoting healing After liposuction, it is common to experience mild discomfort, bruising, and swelling. To aid in the recovery process, patients are typically advised to wear compression garments. These specialized garments provide support to the treated areas, reducing swelling and promoting proper healing. Compression garments work by applying gentle pressure to the surgical sites, effectively minimizing fluid buildup and encouraging blood circulation. This helps reduce post-operative swelling and accelerates the healing process. By wearing these garments as instructed by your healthcare provider, you can support your body’s natural recovery mechanisms.
  • 2Following post-operative instructions for optimal recovery To ensure a smooth recovery after liposuction, it is essential to carefully follow all post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon. These instructions may include: Taking prescribed medications: Your doctor may prescribe pain medication or antibiotics to manage discomfort and prevent infection. Maintaining good health practices: Eating a nutritious diet, staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest, and avoiding smoking or alcohol can contribute to faster healing. Wound care: Keeping the incision sites clean and dry is crucial for preventing infections. Gradual return to activities: While light activities like walking are encouraged soon after surgery to promote circulation, strenuous activities should be avoided for a few days or weeks depending on your surgeon’s recommendations. By adhering to these guidelines diligently, you can significantly enhance your recovery process while minimizing potential complications.
  • 3Support garment usage during daily activities Apart from compression garments specifically designed for post-surgical use immediately after liposuction, there are also support garments that can be worn during daily activities. These garments provide additional support and comfort during movement, helping you feel more at ease while engaging in regular tasks. Support garments are particularly beneficial for individuals who have undergone liposuction in larger areas or multiple sites. They offer an extra layer of stability and protection, reducing the risk of discomfort or injury during physical exertion.
  • 4Resuming strenuous activities gradually Engaging in strenuous activity too soon after liposuction can impede the healing process and potentially lead to complications. It is crucial to allow your body sufficient time to recover before resuming intense exercise or physically demanding tasks. Your surgeon will provide specific guidelines regarding when it is safe to resume different levels of activity. Generally, patients are advised to start with light exercises like walking within a few days post-surgery, gradually increasing intensity over time. Remember, every individual’s recovery timeline may vary depending on factors such as the extent of liposuction performed and overall health. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice on when it is appropriate to resume strenuous activities.

Risks of Liposuction

Although rare and uncommon, liposuction is still a major surgery that carries certain unpleasant side effects and complications, including:

Risks of Liposuction
  • 1Bruising or swelling that persists for several weeks.
  • 2Inflammation and pus secretions that require several months to disappear
  • 3Blood clots in veins (thrombophlebitis)
  • 4Bumpy skin and contour irregularities
  • 5Skin infections or scars
  • 6Punctures in internal organs
  • 7Allergic reactions and anesthesia-related complications
  • 8Renal or heart issues due to fluctuations in the body’s fluid
  • 9Pulmonary embolism or edema
  • 10Numbness

To be eligible for liposuction treatments, you need to suit the following criteria: Have excess fat deposits that refuse to respond to diet or exercise Maintain a body weight that is within 30% of your ideal weight Have skin that is firm and elastic At least 18 years old and in excellent health Have reasonable or realistic expectations Nonsmoker

Turkey is distinguished by its low prices compared to other countries. This attracts tourists from outside the country and encourages medical tourism. The Turkish Ministry of Health also supports this sector and monitors all cosmetic clinics in Turkey.

There is a difference between Vaser and laser technologies: – Vaser emits ultrasound waves that dissolve fatty tissue only. – Laser only dissolves some blood tissue and may harm the body. For this reason, Vaser is newer and better for the body.

The possibility of fat returning to your body depends on the technique used during the procedure, but it is usually low because this technique removes the fat cells.

The International Clinics will help you find the best cozy hotels in Turkey that suit your budget. In addition, they offer a free consultation provided by experts to assess your condition and determine the cost and techniques that suit your needs.

Liposuction may be the right solution to eliminate excess fat in the body, but it may not be enough alone to give you the consistent and toned body that you want, so you may need to undergo body sculpting surgery afterward.

Our medical consultants are available around the clock to answer your questions, completely free of charge.