gynecomastia surgery

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Intro To Gynecomastia Surgery

Intro To Gynecomastia Surgery

Obviously, gynecomastia surgery is the ultimate solution to male enlarged breasts or “gynecomastia”, which appears in around 50% of men in the United States according to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. Although the scientific community is still unable to pinpoint the exact reasons behind gynecomastia, some researchers have blamed hormonal fluctuations, certain medications, and weight gain as the main culprits behind this problem. If you have gynecomastia and start to think seriously about undergoing gynecomastia surgery, you came to the right place! Next, you will learn all you need to know about this surgery, including its benefits, steps, and risks. Let’s dive into it!

Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery

Each year, thousands of men around the world choose to undergo gynecomastia surgery to get more manly chests and relieve frustration and embarrassment. Most men start to notice an immediate improvement in the shape of their chest directly after gynecomastia surgery. In any case, you’re going to receive multiple benefits after undergoing gynecomastia surgery, including:

Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery
  • 1Provide yourself with more strength to perform more physical activities
  • 2Boost your self-esteem and confidence like never before
  • 3Get the masculine figure that you eagerly desire
  • 4Help yourself reach a healthier or ideal body weight
  • 5Relieve back pain and get a better posture
  • 6Allow yourself to choose new kinds of clothing
  • 7Receive long-lasting results that remain for a lifetime
  • 8Feel like celebrities, such as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, who underwent this surgery to correct the shape of his chest after his wrestling career.

Candidates for Gynecomastia Surgery

After making your choice and becoming surely determined to undergo the surgery, your surgeon will provide you with pre-operative information that covers everything you need to know and everything you need to do before your surgery. In addition, you may need to do the following:

 Candidates for Gynecomastia Surgery
  • 1Undergo medical examination and some laboratory tests.
  • 2Stop taking certain drugs (such as aspirin) or start taking new ones, if needed.
  • 3Quit smoking.

Steps of Gynecomastia Surgery

The procedure of gynecomastia surgery takes roughly 1.5 hours. In most cases, you will be required to spend a night in the hospital. The steps of the procedure include the following:

1. Anesthesia

1. Anesthesia

Typically, gynecomastia surgery requires general anesthesia. In some circumstances, however, some surgeons may find it better to use local anesthesia with sedation.

2. Incisions Making

2. Incisions Making

Your surgeon will make an incision around your nipple and either will remove extra fatty tissue with a scalpel (surgical knife), suck the tissue out with liposuction, or use a combination of both techniques. Furthermore, they may reposition your nipples if a lot of tissue needs to be removed.

3. Incision Closure

3. Incision Closure

Finally, your surgeons will wrap your wounds with bandages and dressings.

Recovery After Gynecomastia Surgery

You should ask for someone to drive you home after the surgery. Also, you may need to invite someone to assist you for a day or two. The recovery process involves the following:

Recovery After Gynecomastia Surgery
  • 1Most men need 1 month to recover completely after the procedure. Therefore, it is important to take a few days off work right after surgery to help your body recover without any obstacles.
  • 2For a few weeks after surgery, you must wear elastic and loose garments during the day and night.
  • 3For the first three weeks following surgery, avoid intense activity and heavy lifting. Usually, you will need around 6 weeks to be able to resume your daily activities.
  • 4Once you can place a car seatbelt around your chest without pain, you can drive again without problems, but this, however, might take several weeks following the procedure.
  • 5The results of your surgery might take up to 6 months to appear.

Risks of Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery is a very safe procedure, and most patients recover quickly without complications. Nevertheless, problems can arise in some cases and may include:

Risks of Gynecomastia Surgery
  • 1Swelling, Infection, or bruising
  • 2Blood accumulation (hematoma)
  • 3Fluid accumulation (seroma)
  • 4Nipple abnormalities (dimpling or inversion)
  • 5Breasts asymmetry
  • 6The need to undergo a second surgery
  • 7Visible scars

You need to be in good health before receiving this treatment. In other words, you should be free of any serious diseases or pre-existing health conditions. Also, to be an ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery, you should carry the following characteristics: You’re increasingly concerned about your chest appearance. Your health is ok and you don’t have any health issues that increase the risks of surgery. You have tried other methods to correct gynecomastia, such as medications, but didn’t work out. You have highly elastic skin that easily can adapt to the new contours.

Yes, you can get rid of gynecomastia. Some people may find that male breast growth fades on its own as their hormone levels return to normal, while others may have to try alternative treatments, such as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), medications, or surgery.

The outer shape of gynecomastia can vary from person to person. It may appear as a hard lump of tissue around the nipple, or it may cause the breast to swell to a larger size. If you notice any of these symptoms in one or both breasts, you should consult your doctor.

Gynecomastia results from excess breast tissue that cannot be reduced through exercise alone. But if a man’s breast growth is caused originally from excess fat — known as pseudo-gynecomastia — exercise may be helpful.

Removing a large amount of fatty tissue from the breasts can lead to weight loss. However, the surgery is not intended to lose weight.

The results of the surgery appear immediately after surgery. However, the patient must wait for some time until swelling subsides and the bruising disappears.

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