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Intro To Facelift

Intro To Facelift

Are you ready to turn back the clock and get a more youthful-looking face? A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that can give your face a more youthful appearance by removing extra facial skin and reshaping the lower part of your face. In 2016, more than 107,250 women and 13,700 men underwent facelift surgery in the United States. So, it is an extremely popular surgery, and both men and women can have it. Facelift surgery divides into different types, such as full facelift, mid-facelift, and mini facelift. Your cosmetic surgeon will choose the technique or type that suits your needs.

Benefits of Facelift

You will get a youthful, smoother, and vibrant face after undergoing a facelift. In addition, a facelift can provide you with the following benefits:

Benefits of Facelift
  • 1Remove sagging skin and get more toned and shiny skin
  • 2Treat drooping cheeks along the jaw line and get more lifted corners around your mouth
  • 3Reduce wrinkles and creases between the cheeks and the lips
  • 4Redistribute the fat in the face, which disappeared due to aging
  • 5Treat double chin or “turkey neck”, especially if you choose an additional neck lift
  • 6Defeat the effects of gravity and hide jowls in the cheeks and jaw
  • 7Feel like celebrities that you often see on magazine covers, such as Sharon Osbourne and Sonja Morgan, who underwent facelifts before!

Candidates for Facelift

To receive all facelift benefits, you must first choose an experienced plastic surgeon with a proven record. You and your surgeon will discuss many things during your facelift consultation, including your goals and objectives, medical history, allergies, medications, and drinking habits. Moreover, your surgeon may do or suggest the following:

 Candidates for Facelift
  • 1Examine your physical and mental condition.
  • 2Discuss facelift types and options and their complications.
  • 3Take clinical pictures of your face and neck after getting your permission.
  • 4Suggest you undergo a blood test or take new medications.
  • 5Use certain products to prepare the skin of your face.
  • 6Avoid certain dishes and beverages.
  • 7Quit smoking.

Steps of Facelift

In most cases, facelift surgery is performed in an outpatient facility. Your surgeon may need anywhere from 2 to 5 hours to complete the surgery, and you can usually return home the same day. Facelifts have evolved substantially in recent decades as plastic surgeons continue to gain a better understanding of the features of the face. In short, the steps of facelifts usually involve the following:

1. Anesthesia

1. Anesthesia

Obviously, anesthesia administration is the initial stage in facelift surgery. Most surgeons prefer general anesthesia, but some surgeons may choose a mixture of local anesthetic and moderate sedatives.

2. Incisions Making

2. Incisions Making

Your surgeon makes an incision behind your ear in the hairline. The incision runs at the front of the ear and continues to the top of the ear. Also, your surgeon may make a small incision on the crease beneath the chin to target this area.

3. Repositioning of Muscles & Tissues

3. Repositioning of Muscles & Tissues

To reposition and tighten the underlying muscle and connective tissue, your surgeon pushes the skin outward and removes some fat and excess skin. They may also suture the tissues with glue to secure them in their new location.

4. Incisions Closure

4. Incisions Closure

Finally, your surgeon uses tiny sutures to seal the wounds and facilitate healing.

Recovery After Facelift

The nurse will take you to a room for observation after finishing your facelift surgery. Once you’re stable after a couple of hours, you’ll be able to return home. The recovery phase may include:

Recovery After Facelift
  • 1To reduce swelling and bruising, the doctor will put a bandage around your face and tell you how to care for your incision site.
  • 2Your surgeon may write a prescription for painkillers to relieve your pain.
  • 3You may need two weeks before returning to your usual activities.
  • 4Wait 4 weeks before engaging in more rigorous activities, such as exercise.
  • 5You can maintain the benefits of your facelift by avoiding the sunlight, applying moisturizer to your face, and consuming a well-balanced diet.

Risks of Facelift

Thankfully, complications and side effects of facelifts are uncommon, especially if a trained and experienced surgeon performed the surgery. However, like any other surgery, risks and complications are still feasible in some cases, and they may entail the following:

Risks of Facelift
  • 1Anesthesia complications
  • 2Infection, bleeding, or bruising
  • 3Temporary damage to the facial nerves
  • 4Abnormal collections of blood (hematoma)
  • 5Asymmetry between the two sides of the face
  • 6Hair loss around the incision site
  • 7Death of skin tissue (skin necrosis)
  • 8Persistent numbness

You’re an ideal candidate for a facelift if you have a good health condition and don’t have a medical problem that limits recovery after surgery. Also, plastic surgeons strongly suggest facelifts for people who: Are in their 40s to 60s, but younger or older people can be candidates as well Exhibit symptoms of facial aging Have realistic expectations Have good skin elasticity Are not smokers

Age doesn’t hinder the surgery. The most important factor is patient’s general health. Most of those who undergo the surgery are between the age of 40-70 years.

The ideal candidate for the surgery is: – Has elastic skin and good bone structure. – Has in good health. – Has realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery. the patient must follow the surgeon’s instructions before and after the surgery.

The sutures and stitches are removed from the face and neck about 15 days after the surgery.

It is a surgical alternative to the traditional method. Small incisions are made under the skin to tighten and lift the facial muscles. – It can be performed without anaesthesia. – Do not leave visible scars. – The process takes an hour or two. – It is suitable for patients aged 30 -40 years.

The surgery targets the corners of the mouth and the area between the mouth and nose, as well as the jaw. It is suitable for patients of different ages to get rid of the signs of aging and sagging.

Our medical consultants are available around the clock to answer your questions, completely free of charge.