Does Liposuction Get Rid of Cellulite? Discover the Best Treatment Options
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  • International Clinics
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  • 02 December 2024

Does Liposuction Get Rid of Cellulite or Sagging Skin? Find Out Now

Excess fat and cellulite are two of the most common cosmetic concerns among patients who visit our clinics. It’s clear by now that excess fat can accumulate almost anywhere in the body and liposuction is the primary method used to address this condition.

But is it really effective to deal with dimpling and lumps that are most common on the thighs and buttocks or “cellulite”? You are not alone if you find cellulite bothersome. Numerous treatment solutions have been developed in response to our desire to eliminate or at least hide this problem.

Cellulite appears as lumps on the skins surface that are no higher than 2 mm due to the upward pressure of dermal and hypodermal fat, which is located inside the skin.

Up to 85% of adult women have cellulite, which can be quite challenging to treat. Many therapies have relatively short-lived effects or require several sessions to eliminate the problem.

It might be difficult to determine what, if anything, works when there are so many available therapies, which brings us back to liposuction. Liposuction is unable to eliminate cellulite fat because it forms deep into the skins dermal and hypodermal layers. Trying to remove that fat would also remove the skin, which is something you don’t want to do.

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Does Liposuction Get Rid of Cellulite?

Cellulite causes a dimpled, lumpy, cottage cheese-like appearance on our skin where we have fat deposits. Can lipo treat cellulite?

The answer is “No”.

Since liposuction is primarily intended to remove fat, it usually isnt helpful for skin concerns such as loose or sagging skin. The layer directly under your skin contains cellulite. “Liposuctioning” this layer will result in noticeable dimpling and an uneven outcome.

Thus, lipo may not significantly improve the look of cellulite, which makes it far from being a “foolproof” way to get rid of it as many claim. Indeed, when a patient has severe cellulite together with poor skin tone and elasticity, traditional liposuction may actually make stretch marks and dimples worse after the fat is removed.

Everyone would desire liposuction if it could completely remove cellulite in addition to removing fat. Unfortunately, it isnt true at all. However, this does not negate the benefits of liposuction as a plastic surgery treatment.

Patients undergoing plastic surgery place great importance on liposuction since it helps them sculpt and contour their bodies, maybe reducing but not eliminating the appearance of cellulite.

Although most surgeons and references reject the idea of liposuction being a cellulite treatment, some studies go in the other direction and suggest the opposite. A study revealed a role for laser-assisted liposuction in treating thigh cellulite. It suggested that laser-assisted liposuction can indeed reduce thigh cellulite.

Nevertheless, patients get a great deal of comfort from the removal of stubborn fat deposits that reflect other methods to go away despite best efforts.

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stubborn fat deposits

Can Liposuction Actually Make Cellulite Worse?

It is important to remember that, in a very rare few instances, conventional liposuction techniques may actually make cellulite even worse. This commonly happens when the skins "tautness" is eliminated by liposuction fat removal.

Things like liposuction methods and the expertise of your cosmetic practitioner will have a significant impact on how your cellulite looks. Skin abnormalities such as dimpling, unevenness, or undesired pockets of fat are among the unfavorable side effects of standard liposuction techniques, and they can exacerbate the appearance of cellulite.

Because of excess fat or weight increase, the loose skin might stretch out. If the patient has poor skin laxity, the skin may continue to be slightly stretched even after there is less fat for it to retain. This can lead to uneven skin texture and even more cellulite on top of the already existing cellulite.

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Laser treatment for cellulite

How to Treat Cellulite Without Liposuction?

It’s a common red flag when hearing about a surgeon who claims to be able to eliminate cellulite by liposuction. We cant picture a surgeon with such limited knowledge after seeing hundreds or even thousands of subcutaneous and hypodermal adipose tissues with their own eyes.

A good surgeon will talk with you about alternative feasible solutions if you have cellulite that you find quite unsightly. Those with an excessive amount of cellulite may be suitable candidates for procedures that remove extra skin and fat such as abdominoplasty or a body lift.

If your case is mild, surgeons can permanently remove dimpled cellulite with a procedure known as “Cellfina”. Under local anesthetic, Cellfina can be completed in less than an hour with a short recovery period.

However, methods created especially to cure cellulite are frequently the greatest for the best outcomes. They do, however, result in noticeable swelling and bruising and may need to be touched up once a year. Laser treatment, for example, involves inserting a tiny laser probe into the skin through tiny stab wounds.

The fat is then precisely melted by the laser, which also breaks through the fibrous bands that result in skin dimpling. These therapies just need one session and produce noticeable outcomes right away.


Unfortunately, there isn't a single, long-term therapy for cellulite, even if there are undoubtedly several promising cellulite reduction options available today.

No. Liposuction can get rid of this problem. However, patients feel a wonderful sense of relief when stubborn fat deposits are removed through liposuction.

Yes. You can consider a thigh lift. During this procedure, the surgeon eliminates extra skin and tightens the remaining skin. This cosmetic surgery method generates smoother and shapelier thighs and improves the appearance of cellulite.

Many celebrities rely on diet, lots of exercise, and an all-around healthy lifestyle alongside personal trainers and laser treatments to combat cellulite.

You can get rid of this problem or decrease its intensity by losing weight and toning your physique. Also, you can reduce your intake of food and increase your strength and aerobic workouts.

International Clinics