Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

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Expert Tooth Extraction

Expert Tooth Extraction

Whether it is about molar extraction or removing other teeth as a last resort, all of us have experienced tooth extraction during our lifetimes.

Tooth extraction or Odontectomy is a common dental procedure that involves removing a tooth from the mouth. While it's often considered a last resort, it becomes unavoidable due to tooth decay, gum disease, overcrowding or relieving wisdom tooth discomfort.

You can have it performed by numerous individuals; however, choosing an experienced dentist or oral surgeon is best for a safe and stress-free extraction. Experienced dentists are equipped to handle tooth extraction with care and precision, ensuring your comfort and well-being throughout the process.

Let us learn in detail about tooth removal, its costs, procedures, benefits and recovery.

Expert Tooth Extraction
International Clinics International Clinics

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Tooth Removal Procedure

Our dental hygienists are capable of delivering tooth extraction services without causing pain while taking minimum time. They ensure the procedure is completed without complexity.


Our trained, licensed and experienced dentists begin by numbing the site with local anesthesia ensuring the right anesthesia is used for each patient.


The dentist uses an elevator to gently loosen the tooth. It works because the bony housing around the tooth is pliable, thus allowing the tooth to be removed.


Forceps are used to carefully remove the tooth. The dentist may place a gauze pad to control tooth extraction bleeding.

Tooth Extraction Prerequisites

Tooth Extraction Prerequisites

However, you need an appointment before coming in for the procedure. Likewise, you can easily book your slot for both normal or surgical extraction.

Further, we will need you to sign an informed consent before proceeding with the procedure. The initial screening may require an X-Ray and oral examination to evaluate the 

Further, we will need you to sign an informed consent before proceeding with the procedure. The initial screening may require an X-Ray and oral examination to evaluate the tooth and surrounding bone. Our dental surgeon recommends you the better extraction option to carry out the initial screening process.

  • Preparation: Our oral hygienists are experts in giving local anesthesia or sedation to numb the area.
  • Incision: The dentist makes a small incision in the gum tissue. It is generally required when your tooth has badly decayed or has broken off at the gum line.
  • Bone removal: The oral surgeon may need to remove bone tissue to access the impacted tooth.
  • Sectioning: The tooth may be sectioned to facilitate removal. It helps to reduce pain and support easy extraction without much damage to surroundings.
  • Removal: The tooth is carefully removed.
  • Closure: The dentist will stitch the incision site and place a gauze pad.
Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Although teeth surgery in Turkey like in other countries is not painful. However, swift healing is dependent on certain precautions that you should follow.

Here are the common rules that you must follow after tooth extraction.

  • Take painkillers and antibiotics as recommended by our dental hygienist
  • Avoid or minimize smoking as it can dent recovery time
  • Use straw for drinking in the first 24 hour of extraction, it will help you to avoid dislocating the blood clot in the socket
  • Eat soft food only, while moving to solid food gradually
  • Avoid chewing on the affected side to avoid pressure on exposed gum
  • Follow general dental hygiene procedures to prevent infection
  • Rest and wait for anesthesia to fade off and do not confuse it with an injury to your nerve
Benefits of Tooth Extraction

Benefits of Tooth Extraction

It is always better to get rid of the pain. Exodontia is a lifesaver if done by our oral surgeon in Turkey as it brings numerous benefits. Beside cost-effectiveness, you can gain the following pros of getting your teeth processed from our clinic.

  • Relief from Pain and Discomfort: The procedure eliminates tooth pain, relieves pressure and reduces swelling and inflammation.
  • Prevention of Further Complications: It will help you reduce expansion of infection and pus to surrounding teeth and tissues.
  • Improved Oral Health: It improves cleaning and maintenance, reduces risk of periodontitis and develops overall oral hygiene.
  • Cosmetic Benefits: You will get your smile back, enhancing your self-confidence and allowing for orthodontic treatment.
  • Reduced Risk of Systemic Diseases: The extraction significantly reduces risk of heart diseases, stroke, diabetes and other systemic diseases linked to oral health.
  • Convenience and Cost-Effectiveness: It reduces frequent dentist visits, allowing permanent solution to tooth-related issues.
  • Improved Quality of Life: You will enjoy an overall healthy life by reducing stress through improved nutrition and digestion.
Risks Tooth Extraction

Risks Tooth Extraction

Like any surgical procedure dental extraction is not a risk free process. So it's best to educate the patient about the post op complications before the procedure.  So below we are mentioning the frequently occurring risks after a dental extraction:

  • Tooth extraction Pain alleviates within 3 -7 days
  • Bleeding
  • Bruising after surgical extraction
  • Swelling
  • Post operative Infections
  • Dental nerve injury
  • Maxillary sinus perforation
  • Adjacent teeth dislocation (Dental Drift)
  • Dry Socket

Type of Tooth Extractions

Depending on the complexity of the procedure, there are two main types of extractions.

Simple Extraction

It involves loosening with a dental elevator and then removal with the help of forceps. Moreover, complex cases may require sectioning (removal in pieces) or surgical techniques. Hence, local anesthesia ensures patient comfort during the procedure. 

Surgical extraction

It is only advised if simple extraction is not possible. A local anesthesia is used for single tooth extraction, while multiple tooth extraction procedure requires general anesthesia.

Why are teeth removed?

No one would want to remove teeth. However, at times, it becomes inevitable. There are a lot of reasons that can force you to go for removal; the common ones include the following.

  • Severe tooth decay or damage
  • Gum disease (periodontitis)
  • Overcrowding 
  • Orthodontic treatment (to create space)
  • Impacted Wisdom teeth (impaction, infection, or overcrowding)
  • Tooth fracture or crack
  • Abscess or infection
  • Malposition or non-functional teeth
  • Cancer treatment (radiation or chemotherapy)
  • Tooth decay due to cavity
  • Granulation tissue problems
  • Yellow teeth due to injury

Tips for Swift Recovery

Recovery from dry socket or root canal extraction can be accelerated by following certain precautions. Since, you take anesthesia, thus it is important to stay alert to certain problems post extraction, to avoid complications.

Here are general tips, which will help you back to normality earlier than expected.

  • Take painkillers as advised by our dentist
  • Bite the gauze for 30-45 minutes to minimize bleeding
  • Avoid hot liquids, alcohol, and tobacco products
  • Stick to soft, cold foods (yogurt, soup, scrambled eggs) for 24-48 hours
  • Avoid spicy, acidic, or sharp foods for 1-2 weeks
  • Avoid brushing the extraction site for 24 hours
  • Rinse with saltwater (1/2 teaspoon salt in 8 ounces water) after 24 hours
  • Use a gentle mouthwash after 48 hours
  • Resume regular brushing and flossing after 72 hours
  • Avoid bending, lifting, or heavy exercise for 1-2 weeks

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Oral and Dental Health
Tooth Extraction
Dental Implant
Dental Bridge
Endodontic Treatment (Root Canal)
Dental Crowns
Tooth Filling
Hollywood Smile
Tooth Extraction
Night Guard
Dentures Solutions
Dental Implant Surgery
Smile Design
Teeth Whitening
Endodontic Treatment
Root Canal
Dental Botox
Dental Veneers


Not necessarily. Since you will be under anesthesia, thus extraction pain is minimal. However, you could face pain in the jaw post-op and may require taking painkillers upon recommendation of your dentist.

Typically, patients can expect to recover significantly within 2-3 days following a simple tooth extraction. However, for surgical extractions, the recovery period is often longer, taking around 7-10 days or more to fully heal and regain normal function.

The common side effects includes the following: Orthodontic Relapse Narrowed Airway Pain and Discomfort Bleeding, Swelling, and Bruising Dry Socket

Although there is a risk, not everyone will experience a change in face shape. A face sunken could happen if your upper front teeth are removed.

Wisdom teeth generally erupt during 13-19 years. You can get it extracted during teenage, if it is causing problems. This is because roots are not fully developed, making the procedure easy and less painful.

Root canal therapy is the preferred treatment option when a tooth can be salvaged. While extraction is necessary when the tooth\\\\\\\\\\\'s structure is severely compromised and cannot be repaired.

Hearing that you need to have a tooth pulled is not a pleasing voice. However, sometimes tooth extraction is the only option to get your smile back and regain a healthy life.