Femto Smile

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Intro To Femto Smile

Intro To Femto Smile

Are you ready to try the latest innovation in laser vision correction? Yes, it’s finally here! Femto Smile is the third generation of LASIK technology, and it carries promising applications for those who want to treat nearsightedness. Femto Smile, also known as ReLEx Smile or Femto smile 3D, is a surgical procedure to correct nearsightedness or myopia by using the Visumax femtosecond laser platform from the German manufacturer Carl Zeiss. Unlike traditional LASIK and Femto LASIK, Femto Smile doesn’t require using blades or creating a flap in the cornea. The technology of Femto Smile was first introduced in 2011, but it took another 5 years for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to give it approval. Today, Femto Smile accounts for about 10% of all laser eye correction procedures worldwide.

Intro To Femto Smile
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Benefits of Femto Smile

Benefits of Femto Smile

Are you ready to try the latest innovation in laser vision correction? Yes, it’s finally here! Femto Smile is the third generation of LASIK technology, and it carries promising applications for those who want to treat nearsightedness.

  • Treat higher degrees of nearsightedness and possibly astigmatism
  • Doesn’t involve creating a corneal flap, so it causes minimal postoperative discomfort
  • Provide faster, more precise, and safer treatment because it uses only one laser machine
 Candidates for Femto Smile

Candidates for Femto Smile

You need first to find a respected clinic that offers Femto Smile to patients on regular basis. During your first visit, they will ask you to stop using contact lenses for at least 3 days before undergoing further tests. In short, the preparation for this surgery involves:

  • Perform a comprehensive range of eye tests and pre-laser evaluations.
  • Provide you with sunglasses to protect you from sunlight after the surgery.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home because you can’t drive safely after the surgery.
  • Ask you to stop using makeup, perfumes, and other products that can affect the laser intervention.

Steps of Femto Smile

The procedure of Femto Smile takes only 10-20 minutes to complete, and you can undergo the procedure for both of your eyes at the same time without a problem. The steps of the Femto Smile procedure include:

1. Anesthesia

1. Anesthesia

Your doctor starts the procedure by administering numbing eye drops to prevent pain and discomfort.

2. Laser Administration

2. Laser Administration

Next, your doctor will use a special machine called ZEISS VisuMax ® to administer a femtosecond laser. The goal is to make a small incision in the cornea and create mini lens tissue that precisely suits the eye of the patient.

3. Lens Removal

3. Lens Removal

Finally, your doctor will remove the lens tissue and correct the refractive error by changing the shape of the cornea.

Recovery After Femto Smile

Recovery After Femto Smile

Expect the following things during your recovery after the surgery:

  • You may notice a great improvement in your vision just within 24 hours after the surgery.
  • You may experience some eye dryness after the surgery.
  • Your doctor will give you an eye shield to use while sleeping in the first week.
  • Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes during the recovery phase.
  • You probably can resume your activities during this period.
Risks of Femto Smile

Risks of Femto Smile

Femto Smile is a safe procedure for most cases, but some people may experience things like:

  • Infection or inflammation
  • Seeing halos around lights
  • Debris left in place of the corneal disc
  • Eye dryness

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Eye Diseases
Femto Smile
Macular Degeneration Surgery
Keratoplasty (Cornea Transplant)
Macular Hole
Femto Smile
Femtosecond-Assisted LASIK
Phacoemulsification (Phaco)
Cataract Surgery
LASIK Surgery
eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty)
Glaucoma Surgery
Trifocal Intraocular Lens


A Femto smile will be a good option for you in case you complain of myopia or astigmatism. Also, you may benefit from this technology if you experience dry eyes or contact lens intolerance. In any case, doctors usually recommend this treatment for: People who have healthy eyes with stable vision for at least one year People above 18 years of age

The cost varies according to each case, the location of the surgery, and the skill and experience of the physician.

In case there are problems in the cornea of the eye or glaucoma.

– In Femto-Smile procedures, the doctors use a type of laser called the “femtosecond laser”. – This type of laser reshapes the cornea until it returns to its normal shape. – The femtosecond laser is characterized by its ability to pass through the surface of the cornea and reach the lower membranes to remove the damaged part of the lens without causing damage to the outer surface of the cornea.

– Not all ophthalmologists can perform vision correction operations using the Femto-Smile technique. – This technique requires high precision, meaning that you need to find a doctor with long experience in performing Femto-Smile to reach the desired results after the procedure.