Eyelash Transplant

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Intro To Eyelash Transplant

Intro To Eyelash Transplant

Are you ready to enhance the youth and beauty of your eyes? Having long, luscious eyelashes can do just that! Eyelash treatments have skyrocketed recently, including eyelash extensions, growth serums, and tints, but nothing can enhance the shape of eyelashes as an eyelash transplant. Eyelash transplant is a surgical procedure to improve and enhance eyelashes by transferring new hair from the back of the head to the eyelash area in the upper or lower eyelid. Often, people opt for this surgery for cosmetic purposes, but it also can treat eyelash damage caused by trauma and burns. Similar to hair transplants, surgeons usually rely on follicular unit extraction (FUE) technology to perform eyelash transplants.

Intro To Eyelash Transplant
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Benefits of Eyelash Transplant

Benefits of Eyelash Transplant

For many women, an eyelash transplant is a long-awaited treatment to improve the shape of eyelashes permanently and safely. Here are the benefits that you will get if you choose to undergo this procedure:

  • Get the long, beautiful, and natural-looking eyelashes that you’ve always wished to get!
  • Hide scarring, injuries, and thermal burns that wracked havoc on your eyelashes before
  • Hide tattoos and skin irregularities that cause you embarrassment and social discomfort
  • Enjoy permanent results that last lifelong without the need to repeat the treatment
  • Receive a safe, cost-effective treatment that will save you a lot of cash in the long run
  • Say goodbye to other temporary, costly, and risky eyelash treatments, such as lash extensions and chemical makeup.
 Candidates for Eyelash Transplant

Candidates for Eyelash Transplant

Preparation for this procedure is very simple. First, you need to contact a skilled surgeon or a clinic that offers such treatment on regular bases. Your initial consultation may involve the following:

  • Performing physical examination to assess your eyelashes
  • Discussing the steps of the surgery and the surgical technique
  • Recommending certain lifestyle habits before and after the surgery
  • Reviewing current medications and suggesting certain modifications

Steps of Eyelash Transplant

Eyelash transplant shares similar steps with the usual hair transplant. The procedure needs around an hour to be completed for each eye. In short, the steps may include:

1. Anesthesia

1. Anesthesia

Your surgeon will give you an anesthetic agent to spare you unwanted pain.

2. Taking Hair Follicles

2. Taking Hair Follicles

Then, they start taking the hair follicles from the donor site and place them under a microscope to make the ready for transplantation.

3. Prepare the Eyelid

3. Prepare the Eyelid

Next, they numb the eyelid that will receive the new hair and start making small incisions.

4. Transplanting the Hair Follicles

4. Transplanting the Hair Follicles

Finally, they transplant the new hair follicles using a microsurgical technique, often 1-2 hairs at a time to preserve natural pattern and curvature.

Recovery After Eyelash Transplant

Recovery After Eyelash Transplant

The recovery phase after the surgery is straightforward. However, there are some issues that you need to consider during this period, including:

  • Expect to experience bruising and some scabbing along the lash line, but these symptoms usually fade away after a few days.
  • Wear goggles or sunglasses during sleep to protect the transplanted lashes in the first week.
  • You must avoid strenuous activity for a day or two after the procedure.
  • Expect the newly transplanted lashes to fall out after 2 weeks of the surgery. This is normal as they will enter a “resting phase” before regrowing again after 12 weeks.
  • You must avoid using mascara or lash curlers for two weeks.
Risks of Eyelash Transplant

Risks of Eyelash Transplant

The probability of developing serious complications after the surgery is very low, but as the case with other kinds of surgery, an eyelash transplant can cause things like:

  • Infection or bleeding
  • Pain in the site
  • Corneal irritation
  • Unsatisfactory results

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Needless to say, you need to be in excellent health with no underlying medical conditions to be considered a good candidate for this surgery. In addition, you need to speak with your doctor and discuss your expectations and goal with them. The surgery is also a great option for people who complain of: Missing, short, or patchy eyelashes. Weak eyelashes due to genetic factors. Damaged eyelashes due to trauma or injury. Inability to use eyelash extensions for some reason.

The results are permanent and eyelashes continue to grow for life, except in some special cases, when there is a recurrent or uncontrolled disease that causes eyelashes loss. Thus, it is very important to carefully select eligible cases for this surgery

Eyelashes can be transplanted in people with trichotillomania, but their condition should be well controlled so that the patient does not remove the newly transplanted eyelashes again. Therefore, psychological counseling is necessary before undergoing the surgery.

Eyelash transplant is a very safe procedure because the transplanted hairs are taken from the person’s own body. However, the surgery is not without some minor complications that can be prevented or managed easily.

This procedure cannot be performed in the following cases: 1 – people with medical conditions that put them at risk, such as thrombotic diseases. 2 – People with trichotillomania who are unable to control their condition. 3- People with immune diseases that cause eyelash loss.

The following complications can occur after an eyelash transplant: 1 – Bruises 2 – Pain and discomfort 3 – Swelling 4 – Infection 5 – Hemorrhage 6 – Cysts formation on the eyelid. 7 – Corneal irritation These complications are rare, and the doctor will be able to manage them if they occur.