breast augmentation

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“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself, even when considering cosmetic surgery. People often seek the expertise of a skilled cosmetic surgeon to enhance their breast shape.” – Coco Chanel

If you’ve ever considered cosmetic surgery to enhance your breast size and shape, you’re not alone. Many people turn to cosmetic surgeons for implant surgery. Breast augmentation, also known as implant surgery, is a popular cosmetic procedure among patients. It can help boost self-confidence and improve body image. However, it is important to be aware of potential implant complications. Another option for breast enhancement is fat transfer. Whether you desire fuller breasts after pregnancy or want to address asymmetry, breast augmentation by a cosmetic surgeon offers a solution tailored to your needs. With implant surgery, patients can achieve their desired breast size and shape. However, it’s important to be aware of potential implant complications.

Consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon is crucial when considering breast augmentation and implant surgery for patients. It is important to address any concerns related to fat transfer or capsular contracture during the consultation process. The cosmetic surgeon will guide patients through the process, discussing options such as breast implants or fat transfer breast augmentation. People in need can rely on their expertise. Together, the cosmetic surgeon and patients will determine the ideal breast volume for implant surgery and choose the most suitable surgical approach to address contracture.

During the implant surgery procedure, performed by a cosmetic surgeon under general anesthesia, an incision is made in discreet locations like the chest wall or beneath the breast tissue. This procedure is commonly performed on patients to address issues such as contracture. The surgeon then carefully places either saline or silicone implants to achieve your desired breast volume and breast shape results for patients undergoing fat transfer breast augmentation. Afterward, a specialized surgical bra may be recommended for optimal healing for patients who have undergone silicone breast implants by a cosmetic surgeon.

With this blog post, we aim to provide valuable insights into the world of breast augmentation—shedding light on various aspects of this transformative cosmetic surgery for patients. So let’s dive in and discover how a cosmetic surgeon can help patients feel more confident in their own skin with breast augmentation.

Types of Breast Implants: Silicone vs Saline

Silicone Implants: A More Natural Look and Feel

Silicone breast implants are a popular choice for many patients seeking breast augmentation from a cosmetic surgeon. One of the key reasons patients prefer silicone implants is that they offer a more natural look and feel compared to saline implants. The silicone gel used in these breast implants closely resembles the texture of natural breast tissue, giving patients a realistic appearance.

These implants are filled with a cohesive silicone gel, providing a soft and supple feel for patients. This characteristic makes them particularly appealing to patients, especially women who desire breasts that mimic the natural movement and touch. The silicone gel inside the implant remains stable, even if the outer shell were to rupture, minimizing any potential leakage for patients.

Silicone implants are popular among patients due to their ability to be customized according to individual preferences and body types. These implants come in various shapes and sizes, providing patients with a range of options. Breast implants can be round or teardrop-shaped, providing customization options for patients based on their desired outcomes. The placement options for silicone implants are versatile, making it possible to achieve optimal symmetry and balance.

Saline Implants: Filled with Sterile Saltwater Solution

Saline breast implants are another option available for those considering breast augmentation. Unlike silicone implants, these are filled with sterile saltwater solution after being inserted into the breasts. While they may not provide as natural a look or feel as silicone implants, they do have their own advantages.

One benefit of saline implants is that they require smaller incisions during surgery compared to silicone implants. Since they are inserted empty and then filled once in place, smaller incisions can be made without compromising on implant size or shape. This can lead to less scarring and potentially faster recovery times for breast implant procedures.

Another advantage of saline implants is their ability to detect ruptures more easily than silicone ones. If a saline implant ruptures, the sterile saltwater solution is harmlessly absorbed by the body, causing visible deflation in the affected breast. This allows for prompt detection and subsequent medical intervention if necessary, especially in cases of breast implant.

Pros and Cons of Both Types

When considering breast augmentation, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of both silicone and saline implants. Each breast implant type has its own unique characteristics that may appeal to different individuals based on their personal preferences and individual factors.

Silicone implants offer a more natural look and feel, closely resembling real breast tissue. Breast implants are available in various shapes and sizes, allowing for customization. However, they do require larger incisions during surgery and may be more expensive compared to saline implants.

On the other hand, saline implants have smaller incisions, potentially leading to less scarring. Breast implant rupture detection is made easier with visible deflation, making breast implants a popular choice. However, they may not feel as natural as silicone implants and can occasionally show rippling or wrinkling on the surface.

Ultimately, the choice between silicone and saline breast implants depends on personal preference, desired outcomes, body type, and budget considerations. It is crucial to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can guide you through the decision-making process regarding breast implants based on your individual needs.

Breast Augmentation Surgery: Procedure and Recovery Time

Breast augmentation surgery, also known as implant surgery, is a popular surgical procedure that enhances the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. This breast implant operation is typically performed under general anesthesia in an outpatient setting, allowing patients to return home on the same day. Let’s delve into the details of the breast augmentation procedure and what to expect during the recovery period.

The Surgical Procedure

During breast augmentation surgery, the surgeon makes incisions in inconspicuous areas to minimize scarring. There are different options for incision placement, including around the areola (periareolar), within the natural fold under the breast (inframammary), or in the armpit (transaxillary). Your breast implant surgeon will discuss these breast implant options with you beforehand to determine which breast implant approach suits your breast implant needs best.

Once the incisions are made, your surgeon creates a pocket either behind or in front of your chest muscle for the breast implant. This pocket serves as a space to insert and position the breast implants. The type of implant used can vary based on personal preference and desired outcome. Saline and silicone implants are commonly used, each with its own advantages and considerations.

After carefully placing the implants, your surgeon closes the incisions using sutures or surgical adhesive. They may also apply dressings or bandages to protect the breast implant area during healing. The entire surgery typically takes about one to two hours, depending on various factors such as implant type, complexity of your case, and any additional procedures performed simultaneously.

Recovery Time

Following breast augmentation surgery, it is normal to experience temporary discomfort, swelling, and limited physical activity during recovery. It is important to follow all post-operative instructions provided by your breast implant surgeon for optimal healing outcomes.

  1. Breast implant Discomfort: You may experience soreness or tightness in your chest area after breast implant surgery. Your breast implant surgeon may prescribe pain medication or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers to manage any discomfort. During the initial recovery period after getting a breast implant, it is crucial to avoid strenuous activities or heavy lifting.

  2. Swelling: Swelling is a common side effect of breast augmentation surgery and can take several weeks to subside completely. Your surgeon may suggest wearing a supportive bra or compression garment to minimize swelling and provide additional comfort after your breast implant surgery.

  3. Limited Physical Activity: While it is essential to rest and allow your body to heal after breast implant surgery, light walking and gentle movements involving the breast implants are encouraged as they promote blood circulation and aid in the recovery process. However, vigorous exercise or activities that strain the chest muscles should be avoided for at least four to six weeks post-surgery.

It is crucial to attend all follow-up appointments scheduled with your surgeon. These visits allow your surgeon to assess your healing progress, address any concerns you may have, and provide guidance on when it is safe to resume normal activities fully.

Before and After Breast Augmentation: Expectations and Results

Realistic expectations should be set based on individual anatomy

It’s important to have realistic expectations. Every person’s body is unique, and the outcome of the procedure can vary based on individual anatomy. It’s crucial to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can assess your specific case and guide you towards achievable results.

Breast augmentation is not a one-size-fits-all procedure. The surgeon will consider factors such as your current breast size, shape, and symmetry before recommending the best approach for you. They will discuss options like implant type, placement, incision location, and size to ensure that your expectations align with what can realistically be achieved.

It’s essential to understand that while breast augmentation can enhance your appearance and boost your confidence, it may not completely change your overall body shape or proportions. The goal is to achieve natural-looking results that complement your existing features rather than drastically altering them.

Post-surgery results may take time to fully settle into their final appearance

After undergoing breast augmentation surgery, it’s important to be patient as the post-surgery results gradually settle into their final appearance. Initially, there may be swelling, bruising, or discomfort in the treated area. This is normal and temporary.

Over time, as the healing process progresses, you will begin to notice improvements in the shape and feel of your breasts. However, it’s crucial to remember that each person heals at their own pace. Some individuals may experience faster resolution of swelling and see more immediate results compared to others.

The settling process varies from person to person but typically takes several weeks or even months. During this time frame, it’s important to follow all post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon diligently. This includes wearing supportive garments (such as a surgical bra), avoiding strenuous activities that could impact healing, and attending follow-up appointments for monitoring and guidance.

Improved breast symmetry, volume, or projection can be achieved

One of the key outcomes of breast augmentation is the improvement in breast symmetry, volume, or projection. Many individuals seek this procedure to address asymmetrical breasts or to enhance their breast size and shape.

Breast symmetry refers to the balance between the left and right breasts. It’s common for women to have slight differences in size or shape between their breasts. Breast augmentation can help achieve a more balanced appearance by increasing the size of one breast to match the other.

Volume enhancement is another desired outcome of breast augmentation. Whether you desire a subtle increase in cup size or a more significant change, implants can be tailored to meet your specific goals. Your surgeon will discuss different implant options with you, considering factors such as implant material (silicone or saline) and shape (round or teardrop) to achieve your desired volume.

Projection refers to how far forward the breasts extend from the chest wall. Some individuals may have naturally less projected breasts that they wish to enhance. Breast augmentation can provide a fuller and more projected look by placing implants behind the existing breast tissue or muscles.

Patient satisfaction rates are generally high

Breast augmentation consistently ranks high among cosmetic procedures. Numerous studies have shown that most women who undergo this surgery report positive outcomes and increased self-confidence.

The reasons behind such high satisfaction rates are multifaceted. For many individuals, achieving their desired breast appearance brings about a boost in self-esteem and body image. This newfound confidence often extends beyond physical appearance into various aspects of life, including personal relationships and overall well-being.

It’s important to note that patient satisfaction is subjective and varies from person to person. While most individuals experience positive results after breast augmentation, it’s crucial not to compare yourself too closely with others’ experiences but rather focus on achieving your own personal goals.

Cost of Breast Augmentation: Budgeting and Financing Options

Understanding the Factors that Affect Costs

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that can enhance your appearance and boost your confidence. However, it’s important to consider the costs associated with this surgery before making any decisions. The cost of breast augmentation can vary depending on several factors, including surgeon’s fees, facility charges, anesthesia fees, and other miscellaneous expenses.

It’s crucial to remember that experienced and reputable surgeons may charge higher fees due to their expertise and track record. On the other hand, less experienced surgeons may offer lower prices but could compromise on quality. It’s essential to strike a balance between cost and skill when selecting a surgeon for your breast augmentation.

Facility charges are another significant component of the overall cost. High-end facilities with state-of-the-art equipment and luxurious amenities tend to have higher charges compared to more basic clinics. While opting for a top-notch facility can provide added comfort during your procedure, it’s important to assess whether these extra perks are worth the additional expense.

Anesthesia fees should also be factored into your budgeting process. Anesthesia is administered during breast augmentation surgery to ensure you remain comfortable throughout the procedure. The type of anesthesia used can affect the overall cost, with general anesthesia typically being more expensive than local or intravenous sedation.

Additional Expenses Involved

In addition to the main components mentioned above, there are some additional expenses you should consider when budgeting for breast augmentation. These expenses might include pre-operative tests such as blood work or mammograms. Your surgeon will likely require these tests to ensure you’re in good health before undergoing surgery.

Post-operative garments are another potential expense that should be taken into account. After breast augmentation surgery, you may need specialized bras or compression garments to aid in healing and provide support during recovery. These items can add up over time but are essential for a smooth and comfortable healing process.

Financing Options to Manage Costs

Breast augmentation is an investment in yourself, and it’s important not to let financial constraints hold you back from achieving your desired results. Fortunately, there are various financing options available that can help you manage the costs of breast augmentation.

Payment plans offered by surgeons or clinics allow you to divide the total cost into manageable monthly installments. This option can be particularly beneficial if you don’t have the funds available upfront but still want to proceed with the surgery. It’s essential to discuss payment plan options with your chosen surgeon and understand any interest rates or additional fees involved.

If a payment plan doesn’t suit your needs, medical loans can provide an alternative solution. These loans are specifically designed for medical procedures and offer competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms. Research different lenders and compare their offerings to find the best financial fit for your situation.

Researching Pricing Structures

When considering breast augmentation, it’s crucial to research different surgeons’ pricing structures thoroughly. Prices can vary significantly depending on factors such as location, surgeon expertise, and even demand in the area. Take the time to gather quotes from multiple surgeons and compare their services based on experience, qualifications, and patient reviews.

While cost is undoubtedly an important factor when making decisions about breast augmentation, it should not be the sole determining factor. Remember that this procedure involves your body and long-term satisfaction with results should take precedence over initial fee considerations. Look for a surgeon who has a track record of successful outcomes and prioritizes patient safety and satisfaction.

Incision Options for Breast Augmentation: Which is Right for You?

One of the key decisions you’ll need to make is which incision option is right for you. There are several different options available, each with its own advantages and potential drawbacks. Factors such as the type of implant you choose, your desired outcome, and your surgeon’s expertise will all play a role in determining the best incision option for your individual needs.

Inframammary Incision (Under the Breast Crease)

One popular option for breast augmentation is the inframammary incision, which is made under the breast crease. This type of incision offers several benefits. First and foremost, it allows for direct access to the breast tissue and provides excellent visibility during surgery. This can be particularly advantageous if you have certain anatomical considerations or if you require additional procedures such as a breast lift.

Another advantage of the inframammary incision is that it typically results in a well-concealed scar. The natural fold of the breast crease helps to hide any residual scarring, making this option appealing to many patients. Because this incision site is further away from the nipple and areola complex, there is a lower risk of interference with breastfeeding or changes in nipple sensation.

However, it’s important to note that there may be some potential drawbacks to consider with an inframammary incision. For instance, since this approach involves cutting through breast tissue, there may be an increased risk of damage to milk ducts or nerves. If you have very small breasts or limited skin elasticity, this technique may not be suitable as it requires enough space for proper implant placement.

Periareolar Incision (Around the Nipple)

Another common incision option for breast augmentation is the periareolar incision, which is made around the nipple. This approach offers its own set of advantages and considerations. One of the main benefits is that the incision is well-hidden within the natural transition between the darker areola skin and the surrounding breast tissue. This can result in a scar that is less noticeable, especially if you have naturally darker pigmentation.

The periareolar incision also allows for direct access to the breast tissue and offers good visibility during surgery. It can be particularly useful when performing additional procedures such as a breast lift or nipple correction. This technique provides an opportunity to adjust the size or shape of the areola if desired.

However, it’s important to be aware that there are potential drawbacks associated with a periareolar incision. For instance, there may be a slightly higher risk of changes in nipple sensation or interference with breastfeeding compared to other incision options. Since this approach involves cutting through breast tissue near the milk ducts, there may be an increased risk of infection or difficulty with future mammograms.

Transaxillary Incision (In the Armpit)

A less commonly discussed but still viable option for breast augmentation is the transaxillary incision, which is made in the armpit area. This approach offers some unique advantages that may appeal to certain patients. One major benefit is that it avoids any scarring on or around the breasts themselves, resulting in no visible scars in most cases.

The transaxillary incision also allows for precise implant placement while minimizing interference with breast tissue and structures like milk ducts and nerves. This can help reduce potential complications such as changes in nipple sensation or difficulties with breastfeeding.

However, it’s important to consider potential drawbacks associated with a transaxillary incision. For instance, this technique requires specialized training and expertise from your surgeon due to its more challenging nature. Not all surgeons may offer this option, so it’s crucial to find a qualified professional experienced in transaxillary breast augmentation if you are considering this approach. The armpit incision may not be suitable for all implant types or sizes, so it’s important to discuss your specific goals and concerns with your surgeon.

Breastfeeding with Breast Implants: What You Need to Know

Breast augmentation is a popular procedure among women who wish to enhance the size and shape of their breasts. Many women wonder if they will still be able to breastfeed after getting breast implants. The good news is that most women with breast implants can successfully breastfeed their babies. However, there are certain factors to consider.

Implant Placement and Incision Location

The placement of the breast implant and the location of the incision can potentially affect a woman’s ability to breastfeed. There are two common locations for incisions during breast augmentation surgery: periareolar (around the nipple) and inframammary (underneath the breast).

If the incision is made around the nipple, there is a small risk of damaging milk ducts or nerves that could impact milk production or flow. This may make breastfeeding more challenging but not impossible. On the other hand, an incision made underneath the breast in the inframammary fold usually has less impact on breastfeeding as it avoids direct interference with milk ducts.

The placement of the implant also plays a role in breastfeeding success. Subglandular placement (above the chest muscle) is less likely to interfere with milk production compared to submuscular placement (underneath the chest muscle). However, individual factors such as pre-existing glandular tissue and overall health can influence breastfeeding outcomes as well.

Discussing Breastfeeding Goals with Your Surgeon

Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery, it is essential to have an open discussion with your surgeon about your desire to breastfeed in the future. They can provide valuable insights based on their expertise and experience regarding how different surgical techniques might impact breastfeeding.

By discussing your goals upfront, you can work together with your surgeon to choose an implant size, placement, and incision location that will minimize any potential risks associated with breastfeeding. This proactive approach can help ensure that your surgery aligns with your long-term plans for motherhood.

The Importance of Proper Support and Guidance

Breastfeeding can be a challenging journey for any new mother, regardless of whether they have breast implants or not. However, having breast implants should not discourage you from breastfeeding if it is something you desire. With the right support and guidance, most women with breast implants can successfully breastfeed their babies.

One valuable resource for breastfeeding mothers is a lactation consultant. These professionals are trained to provide expert advice and assistance. They can help address any concerns or difficulties you may encounter, including those related to breast implants.

Lactation consultants can offer guidance on proper latch techniques, positioning, and milk supply management. They can also provide emotional support during the early stages of breastfeeding when many women experience doubts or challenges. Their expertise combined with your determination will increase the likelihood of a successful breastfeeding journey.

In addition to seeking professional support, connecting with other mothers who have breastfed with implants can be immensely helpful. Online forums and local support groups are great places to find like-minded individuals who have gone through similar experiences. Sharing stories, tips, and advice can provide reassurance and encouragement throughout your own breastfeeding journey.

Breastfeeding is a beautiful bonding experience between a mother and her baby. While getting breast implants may introduce some additional considerations, it does not mean that you cannot breastfeed successfully. By understanding the potential impact of implant placement and incision location, discussing your goals with your surgeon beforehand, and seeking proper support from lactation consultants, you can confidently embark on your breastfeeding journey while enjoying the benefits of breast augmentation.

Remember that every woman’s body is unique, so individual experiences may vary. It’s important to consult with qualified healthcare professionals for personalized advice based on your specific circumstances.

Risks and Complications of Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery is a popular procedure that can enhance the size and shape of breasts. However, like any surgical procedure, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and complications involved. Understanding these risks can help you make an informed decision and ensure your safety throughout the process.

Potential risks to be aware of

When considering breast augmentation surgery, it’s crucial to understand the possible complications that may arise. These include:

  1. Infection: Although rare, there is a risk of developing an infection after breast augmentation surgery. Infections can occur at the incision site or around the implant itself. Signs of infection may include redness, swelling, pain, or fever. It is essential to closely follow post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon to minimize this risk.

  2. Bleeding: While uncommon, bleeding during or after surgery can occur. Excessive bleeding may lead to hematoma formation (a collection of blood) which may require additional medical intervention such as drainage.

  3. Scarring: Scarring is an inevitable part of any surgical procedure. Incisions made during breast augmentation will leave scars; however, their visibility varies depending on factors such as incision location and individual healing abilities.

  4. Changes in nipple sensation: Some women may experience temporary changes in nipple sensation following breast augmentation surgery. This could manifest as increased sensitivity or decreased feeling altogether but usually resolves within a few weeks or months.

Capsular contracture: A possible complication

One potential long-term complication associated with breast augmentation surgery is capsular contracture. This occurs when scar tissue forms around the implant, causing it to harden and potentially distort the shape of the breast.

Capsular contracture can range from mild to severe and may require corrective measures such as implant replacement or removal if it causes discomfort or aesthetic concerns for the patient.

Regular follow-up visits are essential

To monitor for any complications or concerns, it is crucial to attend regular follow-up visits with your surgeon. These appointments allow your surgeon to assess your healing progress and address any potential issues promptly. Following the recommended post-operative care instructions and attending these follow-up visits can help ensure a smooth recovery and minimize the risk of complications.

Choose an experienced surgeon for enhanced safety

Selecting an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon is vital to reduce the risk of complications associated with breast augmentation surgery. An experienced surgeon will have extensive knowledge of implant placement techniques, minimizing the chances of implant-related issues such as rupture or capsular contracture.

Impact of Breast Implants on Cancer Screenings and Reconstruction

Mammograms: Detecting Breast Cancer with Implants

Many women with breast implants may wonder if the presence of implants affects the accuracy of mammograms. The good news is that mammograms can still detect breast cancer in women with implants, although they may require additional views. During a mammogram, X-ray images are taken from different angles to ensure a thorough examination of the breast tissue.

In the case of women with implants, extra images called implant displacement views or Eklund technique may be necessary. These additional views help separate the implant from the surrounding breast tissue, allowing for better visualization of any abnormalities. It is important for women with implants to inform their healthcare provider about their implants prior to scheduling a mammogram so that appropriate techniques can be used.

No Increased Risk: Implants and Breast Cancer

Contrary to popular belief, having breast implants does not increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Numerous studies have been conducted over the years, and there is no scientific evidence linking breast augmentation surgery or implants to an increased risk of breast cancer. Women who have undergone breast augmentation can rest assured that their decision to enhance their appearance does not put them at higher risk for this disease.

However, it’s crucial for all individuals, regardless of whether they have implants or not, to regularly perform self-examinations and undergo routine screenings as recommended by their healthcare providers. Early detection remains key in improving outcomes for individuals diagnosed with breast cancer.

Reconstruction after Mastectomy: Utilizing Implants

For those who have undergone a mastectomy as part of their treatment for breast cancer or as a preventive measure due to high-risk factors, reconstruction plays a significant role in restoring confidence and body image. Breast reconstruction after mastectomy involves rebuilding the shape and form of the breasts using various techniques such as autologous tissue transfer (using tissue from another part of the body) or implant-based reconstruction.

Implant-based reconstruction is a common option for many women. It involves the placement of breast implants to recreate the appearance and feel of natural breasts. The use of implants allows for flexibility in achieving desired breast size, shape, and symmetry. However, it is important to note that not all individuals are suitable candidates for implant-based reconstruction, and consultation with both a plastic surgeon and an oncologist is essential to determine the most appropriate approach.

Consultation: Plastic Surgeon and Oncologist

When considering breast augmentation or undergoing breast cancer treatment with reconstructive options, consulting with both a plastic surgeon and an oncologist is crucial. These specialists work together to ensure comprehensive care tailored to each individual’s needs.

A plastic surgeon specializing in breast augmentation can provide insights into various implant options, surgical techniques, and potential risks associated with the procedure. They can guide patients through the decision-making process by explaining the benefits and limitations of different types of implants.

On the other hand, an oncologist focuses on cancer treatment and survivorship. They play a vital role in evaluating an individual’s overall health condition, assessing any potential impact on cancer treatments or screenings due to implants, and providing guidance on optimal timing for reconstruction if necessary.

By collaborating with both professionals, individuals can make informed decisions about their breast health journey while ensuring that their aesthetic goals align with their overall well-being.

Structured Saline Implants vs Traditional Saline Implants

One important decision to make is the type of implants to choose. Two popular options are structured saline implants and traditional saline implants. Each type has its own unique features and benefits, so it’s essential to understand the differences before making a decision.

Structured Saline Implants: Shape Retention and Stability

Structured saline implants offer an internal structure that provides better shape retention compared to traditional saline implants. These implants are designed with a series of nested shells that help maintain their shape over time. The inner shell contains sterile saline, while the outer shell provides stability and support.

The internal structure of structured saline implants allows for a more natural look and feel, as they are less prone to rippling or wrinkling. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with thin breast tissue or those who desire a more stable implant option.

Traditional Saline Implants: Simplicity and Versatility

On the other hand, traditional saline implants have been widely used in breast augmentation procedures for many years. They consist of a silicone outer shell filled uniformly with sterile saltwater (saline). While they do not have an internal structure like structured saline implants, they still offer several advantages.

Traditional saline implants are versatile in terms of size and shape options. They can be easily adjusted during surgery to achieve the desired volume and symmetry. Moreover, if there is a leak or rupture in these implants, it becomes immediately noticeable as the sterile saltwater is safely absorbed by the body without any harm.

Choosing the Right Option for You

Both structured saline and traditional saline implants have their own set of advantages depending on individual preferences. It is crucial to discuss your goals and expectations with a qualified plastic surgeon who can guide you towards the most suitable choice.

During your consultation, your surgeon will evaluate factors such as your body shape, existing breast tissue, desired outcome, and lifestyle to determine which type of implant is best for you. They will consider the pros and cons of each option, taking into account factors such as shape retention, stability, versatility, and natural look.

Remember that breast augmentation is a personal decision, and what works for someone else may not necessarily be the right choice for you. Your surgeon will help you weigh the benefits and potential risks associated with each type of implant to ensure an informed decision.

Surgeon Experience and Qualifications for Successful Breast Augmentation

Finding the right surgeon is crucial. You want someone who not only has the necessary qualifications but also possesses the experience and expertise to deliver successful outcomes. Here are some key points to consider in your search for a skilled cosmetic surgeon:

Choose a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Specializing in Breast Augmentation Procedures

You want to ensure that you’re in the hands of a qualified professional. Look for a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes specifically in breast augmentation procedures. This certification indicates that they have undergone rigorous training and have met the high standards set by recognized medical boards.

A board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in breast augmentation will have extensive knowledge of various techniques, implant options, and potential complications. They will be well-versed in understanding individual patient needs and tailoring their approach accordingly. By choosing such a specialist, you can have confidence that your surgeon is equipped with the skills necessary to achieve optimal results.

Verify Their Experience, Qualifications, Certifications, and Patient Reviews

Before making any decisions, take the time to thoroughly research your prospective surgeons. Look into their experience level by checking how many breast augmentations they have performed throughout their career. A seasoned surgeon with a significant number of successful surgeries under their belt instills trust and confidence.

Qualifications and certifications are equally important factors to consider. Ensure that your chosen surgeon has completed all relevant education and training programs required for specialization in breast augmentation procedures. Check if they are affiliated with reputable medical associations or organizations related to plastic surgery.

Patient reviews can provide valuable insights into the experiences of others who have undergone breast augmentation with a particular surgeon. Read online testimonials or ask for referrals from friends or family members who may have had similar procedures done. Positive feedback from satisfied patients can give you peace of mind about your surgeon’s abilities and bedside manner.

A Skilled Surgeon Ensures Proper Technique Execution and Reduces Potential Risks

Breast augmentation is a delicate procedure that requires precision and expertise. An experienced surgeon will have honed their skills over time, allowing them to execute the technique with meticulous attention to detail. They will be knowledgeable about the various incision options, implant placement techniques, and considerations for achieving natural-looking results.

By entrusting your breast augmentation to a skilled surgeon, you can minimize the risk of complications during and after the procedure. They will know how to handle any unexpected situations that may arise in the operating room, ensuring your safety throughout the process.

Open Communication About Expectations Leads to Successful Outcomes

Clear communication between you and your surgeon is vital for achieving successful outcomes in breast augmentation. During your initial consultation, openly discuss your goals, desires, and expectations with your surgeon. This allows them to understand what you hope to achieve from the procedure and helps in developing a personalized treatment plan.

A skilled surgeon will listen attentively to your concerns and provide honest feedback on what can realistically be achieved based on your unique anatomy. They will guide you through the decision-making process regarding implant type, size, shape, and placement options while considering factors such as body proportions and lifestyle.

Remember that effective communication goes both ways. Feel free to ask questions or seek clarification on any aspect of the procedure that you may not fully understand. A good surgeon will take the time to address all your queries so that you feel confident and well-informed before moving forward with surgery.

Final Thoughts on Achieving the Perfect Breasts

Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of our blog post on breast augmentation. By now, you have a comprehensive understanding of the different types of implants, the surgery procedure and recovery time, as well as the costs involved. You also know about incision options, breastfeeding considerations, risks and complications, and even how breast implants can impact cancer screenings and reconstruction. But before you take the next step towards achieving your dream breasts, let’s recap some key points.

Firstly, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon who specializes in breast augmentation. They will guide you through the process and help determine which type of implant is best suited for your desired outcome. Secondly, consider your budgeting options and explore financing possibilities to ensure that this investment fits within your financial means. Lastly, set realistic expectations by reviewing before and after photos to get an idea of what results are achievable.

Now that you’re armed with all this knowledge, it’s time to take action! Schedule a consultation with a reputable plastic surgeon who can address any remaining concerns or questions you may have. Remember, achieving the perfect breasts is within reach – it’s up to you to make it happen!


Is breast augmentation painful?

Breast augmentation surgery typically involves some discomfort during the recovery period. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to manage any pain or soreness you may experience during this time.

How long does it take to recover from breast augmentation surgery?

The recovery time for breast augmentation varies from person to person but generally takes around 4-6 weeks. During this period, it’s important to follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding activity restrictions and post-operative care.

Can I still breastfeed after getting breast implants?

Yes, in most cases women with breast implants can still successfully breastfeed their babies. However, it’s important to discuss this with your surgeon beforehand as certain incision and implant placement options may have an impact on breastfeeding.

Are there any risks or complications associated with breast augmentation surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, breast augmentation carries some risks. These can include infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in nipple sensation, and implant rupture. It’s essential to choose a skilled surgeon and follow their post-operative instructions to minimize these risks.

How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime. On average, they may need to be replaced or removed after 10-15 years due to potential complications or changes in your body over time. Regular check-ups with your surgeon will help monitor the condition of your implants.

Breast Augmentation

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Overview of Breast Augmentation
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Hospital Stay
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After 2 Days
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Complete Recovery
2 Weeks

Intro to Breast Augmentation

Yes, you can now have larger and fuller breasts without spending much money or exposing yourself to serious risks! Breast augmentation is a safe cosmetic surgery that enlarges your breasts and makes them look more symmetrical.
Doctors usually use implants made of saline or silicone, but if you seek a small increase in breast volume, you can choose fat transfer instead. Interestingly, breast augmentation has become the most common cosmetic procedure in the world!
In the United States, for instance, over 300,000 women choose to undergo this procedure every year. So, you are definitely not alone! Next, you will learn all you need to know about this amazing surgery, including its benefits, steps, and risks. Let’s get into it!

685166103b7fcfb3ec8bb369a6da3d66 Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

The primary benefit of breast augmentation surgery is to get a new glamorous look for breasts. Not only will the surgery increase the size of your breasts, but it will also make them appear perkier and higher on your chest. In short, you will receive multiple benefits from breast augmentation, including:

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  • 1
    Get bigger and fuller breasts that certainly look better than small ones.
  • 2
    Improve the symmetry of your breasts, especially if one breast was smaller than the other.
  • 3
    Treat drooping breasts that occur after a pregnancy or severe weight loss.
  • 4
    Boost your self-esteem and feel more youthful.
  • 5
    Add charming curves to your breasts.
  • 6
    Enrich your collections of clothing and sexy bras.
  • 7
    Get more proportional body dimensions.
  • 8
    Allow yourself to feel like celebrities, such as Angelina Jolie and Iggy Azaelea, who underwent this surgery before!

With all this being said, you certainly can start preparing your Instagram profile because you might become the next beauty model after this surgery! 

Contact Us

    Candidates for Breast Augmentation

    If you’re in good physical shape and aren’t a pregnant or breastfeeding mother, you could be a good candidate for breast augmentation. In addition, the surgery is good for you if you:

    • Have realistic goals and expectations.
    • Your breasts have reached their maximum growth.
    • Feel worried or anxious about your small breasts.
    • Your breasts seem drooping and smaller because of aging, pregnancy, or weight loss.
    • Feel “empty” in the upper portion of your breasts.
    • Have asymmetrical or out of proportions breasts.
    • One or both breasts did not grow properly or have an abnormal shape.
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    8f5c87b550d6a32173bab4e1eb472ace Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey

    Preparation for Breast Augmentation

    Your surgeon will take measurements for your breasts and discuss your expectations regarding the final breasts’ size and shape. Also, your surgeon may ask you to do certain things to prepare for your breast augmentation. Certainly, following your surgeon’s instructions will make the procedure go more smoothly and help you heal faster. Such instructions may involve:
    • Undergo lab tests, including a blood test.
    • Stop taking certain current medications, including aspirin and other medications that cause bleeding.
    • Quit smoking and avoid alcohol.
    • Plan for someone to drive you home and to remain with you for at least the first night.
    • Plan to take, at least, three days off from work.

    Steps of Breast Augmentation

    The steps of breast augmentation differ according to the type of implant and augmentation. Steps of breast augmentation with implants, for example, are different from that with fat transfer. In any case, here’s a walkthrough of the general steps that surgeons follow during this surgery:

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    1. Anesthesia

    You should be under general anesthesia during this surgery to prevent unwanted pain and discomfort.

    b47ad9960271a3786392131ee6195f24 Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey
    2. Incisions Making

    Your surgeon will discuss with you the location of the incision because there are multiple options available for this particular surgery. For instance, they can make an incision in the crease between your breasts or along the edge of your areola, or even through your armpit.

    c25bad168fffe966e487ad1085bc8c79 Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey
    3. Implant Insertion

    Your surgeon can place the implant either behind or a front of your chest muscle. Your goals, expectations, and the type of implant are playing role in determining the exact place of the implants. So, there are a lot of things to discuss with your surgeon!

    d544fb56be652ef8758466794e201a1b Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey
    4. Incision Closure

    Following the placement of your implants, your surgeon will sew the incision sites and close them with stitches. Also, a gauze bandage will be placed on your breasts, and you may need to wear a special bra following the surgery.

    Recovery After Breast Augmentation

    Full recovery can take a few weeks, but you should be able to walk and move around quickly after the surgery. Some doctors advocate wearing a sports bra 24 hours a day. Of course, you need to avoid lifting heavy weights and intense activity for at least a month. Nonetheless, here is a quick review of the recovery phase after breast augmentation:
    • After 1-2 weeks: Your doctor will remove your stitches. However, if your surgeon used dissolvable stitches to seal the incision, you will not need manual removal of stitches.
    • After 6-7 weeks: Your scars will start to fade away and you certainly can resume most of your routine daily activities.
    • After 3 months: You might be able to use normal bras and your breasts should start to look and feel more natural. Remember, breast implants are not sensitive to sunbaths and flying, so you can start enjoying your time comfortably!
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    Risks of Breast Augmentation

    Breast augmentation is generally safe and most women express satisfaction with the results. However, some cases may complain of certain side effects and complications, such as:

    • Infections, bleeding, or blood clots
    • Allergic reactions to anesthesia or equipment
    • Thick and apparent scars on the breasts
    • Hardened breasts due to scar tissue accumulation around the implants
    • Ruptured implant, which causes lump formation and requires implant removal
    • Weird-looking breasts due to implant rotations inside the breasts
    • Abnormal sensations in the nipples
    • Inability to breastfeed or less milk production

    How Can International Clinics Help You?

    International Clinics helps international patients access affordable, high-quality medical and aesthetic procedures in Turkey.
    Our team of consultants is here to answer your questions and provide guidance throughout your treatment journey.
    Our partner hospitals and clinics have successfully performed thousands of procedures for patients from Europe, Asia, North America, and the Middle East.
    Use the contact forms on our website to request a free consultation with our team. We’re ready to help you get the care you need.

    woman cta Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey
    Free Consultation
    We provide you with a free consultation given by a specialized team!
    Contact Us whatsapp Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The surgery can affect lactation; at least in some cases.

    Silicon is not a foreign substance and is commonly used in medicine and in many other fields.

    You can return to work and to your normal life after 3 days only.

    Silicone is a very strong material that does not explode, but it can be affected by a sharp object.

    Some women prefer teardrop silicon; others prefer the round shaped.

    Before & After the Surgery

    Breast Augmentation

    Name: Mira
    Age: 21
    Nationality: UK
    Date: 18-03-2022
    Additional Procedures: None

    Breast aug before 4 Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey
    Breast aug after 4 Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey

    Seamless Treatment Journey

    In addition to helping you find the medical treatment you’re seeking in Turkey, International Clinics also provides a range of supportive services to ensure comfort and safety, including:
    Reception & Transportation
    We have allocated modern VIP cars to receive you at the airport and to transport you during your visits between the hotel and the hospital.
    Medical Translator
    The translation team will be always at your service to make your communication easier.
    Professional Team
    A medical advisor will ensure an appropriate and comfortable treatment plan that meets all your needs.
    Premium Hospitality
    Accommodation will not be a problem at all, because our team will help you in booking the most suitable place during your stay in Turkey.
    High Quality Service
    The quality team communicates with customers after surgeries and procedures to ensure that they are satisfied with all the services they have received.
    Group 2675 Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey
    Reception & Transportation
    We have allocated modern VIP cars to receive you at the airport and to transport you during your visits between the hotel and the hospital.
    Group 2678 Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey
    Medical Translator
    The translation team will be always at your service to make your communication easier.
    Group 2676 Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey
    Professional Team
    A medical advisor will ensure an appropriate and comfortable treatment plan that meets all your needs.
    Group 2677 Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey
    Premium Hospitality
    Accommodation will not be a problem at all, because our team will help you in booking the most suitable place during your stay in Turkey.
    Group 2674 Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey
    High Quality Service
    The quality team communicates with customers after surgeries and procedures to ensure that they are satisfied with all the services they have received.
    contact image Breast Augmentation,breast augmentation cost,breast augmentation in turkey
    Fill out the form below to get a free consultation and answers to all your questions
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      aicha yaser
      By Google
      D: Halil Ibrahim is one of the best, very great doctors, wonderful and humane. The trip was successful under the leadership of Mr. Hashem, but I had a small blame on the nurses other than that. .Aicha Almalih 😘😉
      Hiba Zahreddine
      By Google
      Dr Khalil Ibrahim gokjeek did such an amazing job on my tummy tuck/ liposuction and breast augmentation. So happy with the results. Staff Dr Raneem and Dr Roaya are also amazing and are there for support if needed. Thank you Dr. Khalil and for the amazing staff. My experience from start to finish was wonderful.
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