Spider Web Facelift

The spider web method is one of the most prominent modern methods for treating sagging in the face and neck. It’s also known by other names such as “facelift with threads,” “graph lift,” or “lift contour.” This method avoids complications of surgeries, making it popular among a large group of female patients.

The results of the procedure last for relatively long periods, depending on the age, healthy dietary habits, bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking. It’s important to choose a doctor who has the appropriate experience to perform a facelift with threads.

What Exactly Is Spider Web Facelift?

The spider web facelift method is one of the modern methods to get rid of simple and medium sized wrinkles in the face and neck. It’s a non-surgical method that relies on identifying some entry points and inserting threads that differ in number according to each case.

The threads that are inserted help stimulate the skin to produce collagen protein and stimulate blood circulation to the face, restoring vitality again. This is a suitable procedure for those who fear complications from surgeries.

Who Are the Candidates for Spider Web Facelift?

  • Both men and women who want a more youthful and livelier look can undergo this procedure.
  • It’s preferable to perform this procedure as soon as wrinkles appear in the face, as this brings more positive results.
  • The procedure isn’t suitable for those who suffer from chronic diseases in the heart. The doctor must examine this possibility carefully.
  • This process isn’t suitable for those suffering from skin cancer, lupus, and eczema.
  • The spider web method is feasible for people aged between 35-65 years.
  • It’s preferable to perform the procedure for those who have somewhat fuller faces.
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Important Information About Facelift with Threads

  • The sutures don’t appear as they are hidden under the skin layer.
  • The results of the procedure are immediate, and the patient feels its results quickly.
  • The doctor determines the area from which wrinkles are to be removed, followed by making small incisions.
  • The procedure requires between 2.5-4 hours and is performed through local anesthesia.

What Are the Most Prominent Types of Threads Used in Facelift?

There are different types of threads that vary in terms of price and materials, including cog threads, mono threads, knotted threads, polypropylene threads, and golden threads. The last type is the best as it’s made of pure twenty-four-carat gold and helps to tighten sagging skin efficiently while stimulating the passage of blood in the tissues of the face.

How You Should Prepare for a Spider Web Facelift?

After scheduling an appointment for a thread facelift, there are several instructions that the doctor will dictate and should be followed, including:

  • Quit smoking one week before the procedure.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes during the procedure.
  • Stop the intake of blood thinners five days before the procedure.
  • Prepare creams for use after the procedure.

What Are the Steps of a Spider Web Facelift?

The facelift procedure typically involves the following steps:

  1. The doctor identifies the insertion points for the threads and sterilizes the area with alcohol. They then apply local anesthetic in the injection areas to minimize pain. Then, they make simple incisions and insert the threads.

  2. The doctor uses a very fine needle to insert a group of threads under the skin, which can take up to an hour. This procedure may require the insertion of up to fifty threads in the face or neck areas.

  3. Once the sutures are inserted and stabilized, the doctor removes the needle. At this point, the patient may feel some slight tingling, which will soon disappear. The patient can go home immediately after completing the session.

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What to Do After a Spider Web Facelift?

After completing the spider web facelift, recovery requires a period ranging from two weeks to a month. This period may vary according to the individual’s condition. Often, the doctor removes the bandages several days after the Procedure. To speed up recovery, the following tips are recommended:

  • Avoid making any facial expressions such as laughing, smiling, or resentment, as it may delay healing.
  • If there is a fever or pain, the patient should consult with a doctor.
  • Stay away from sources of environmental and chemical pollution.
  • Avoid exposure to heat from the sun.

How Much Does a Spider Web Facelift Cost?

The cost of a spider web facelift varies depending on many factors, such as:

  • The country where the procedure is performed. Prices are higher in America and the European Union, while they are lower in other countries such as Turkey, Southeast Asia, and Arab countries.
  • The experience of the doctor. The price of a facelift with threads typically increases with experienced doctors.
  • Pricing policy. Some centers offer discounted prices to attract patients.


FAQs About Thread Lift Technique

Patients typically don’t experience any pain during the session as local anesthesia is applied.

The longevity of positive results obtained from the spider web method is dependent on several factors, including the patient’s age, the doctor’s experience, the method of the procedure, a healthy diet, and avoiding smoking. On average, the results last between two to three years.

The spider web method typically doesn’t cause any complications, especially when performed by an experienced doctor.

Minor side effects such as swelling, lethargy, sensitivity, and infection may occur but quickly disappear with time. The doctor may prescribe medications to prevent or counteract these effects if they occur.

If the patient isn’t satisfied with the results of the procedure or if any complications arise, the procedure can be reversed.

The spider web method can remove wrinkles and sagging from the forehead, under the eyes, cheeks, eyebrows, and jawline.

The spider web facelift has several advantages over other facelift methods, including:
– The use of local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia.
– The patient can go to the clinic or treatment center alone without companions.
– The recovery period doesn’t exceed four weeks.
– The patient is discharged immediately after the procedure and can go home.