People with “turkey necks” are not left alone! At least not in Turkey! A saggy neck is a sign of aging that troubles many people, but fortunately, a neck lift can change all that. Undergoing a neck lift in Turkey might be the best option to overcome the problem of “turkey neck”!  

It is a simple and painless surgery that can remove neck sagging and bands with minimum scarring. Turkish plastic surgeons have successfully performed neck lifts for thousands of patients from all around the world.

In addition, many influences and celebrities have chosen Turkey for both facelift and neck lift. Facelifts and neck lifts are among the most effective procedures for tightening facial and neck skin.

Factors such as heredity, gravity, and environmental pollutants can all play a role in the loss of youthful contours in the face and neck. Neck lifts aren’t as difficult or complex as they appear. Next, you will learn all you need to know about neck lifts in Turkey, including benefits, types, and costs.

Why Should You Undergo Neck Lift in Turkey?

neck lift in turkey package

The demand for plastic surgeries in Turkey has been increasing steadily in the last couple of years as the country turns into one of the most friendly and cost-effective destinations for this kind of treatment. People prefer to undergo neck lift surgery in Turkey for the following reasons:

Cheap Neck Lifts

International patients increasingly choose to visit Turkey for its cheap treatments. A neck lift can cost a staggering amount of cash in most North American and European countries. You can save a lot of money if you choose to get surgery in Turkey. Sometimes, people get the surgery at half the price of what clinics in Europe or North America offer.  

Superb Quality

The mixture of rigorous regulations and self-disciplined medical practices in Turkish clinics generates a superb level of quality that sculpts an unforgettable experience for international patients. Turkish medical managers are known for their unmatched focus on details. Indeed, many international patients express a feeling of astonishment when they see the level of discipline and organization in Turkish clinics and hospitals.

Brilliant Surgeons

Some people choose specific Turkish surgeons for neck lifts after they read the positive responses from their patients who previously had undergone the surgery. Furthermore, some plastic Turkish surgeons have gained remarkable popularity in Europe and the United States, thanks to the astonishing millstones that they accomplished in the realm of plastic surgery.

Outstanding Results

Clearly, if you need to get stunning results, you should seriously consider undergoing a neck lift in Turkey. The outstanding results that people get when they choose to come to Turkey are becoming a reality thanks to skilled surgeons, advanced technologies, and regulated medical practice in Turkish clinics. Furthermore, some surgeons guarantee their work and can perform the surgery again if things didn’t go as expected.

All-Inclusive Packages

What makes Turkish clinics unique from the rest of the clinics in the world is the amazing packages that they offer for international patients and health tourists. We are talking here about extra services that normally cost extra cash in other countries, such as transportation, interpretation (language assistance), and accommodation services. International Clinics are taking the lead in this area and offer amazing all-inclusive packages designed to make the patient experience richer and safer.

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What Exactly Is Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty)?

Platysmaplasty, also known as neck lift or chin lift, is a cosmetic surgery that rejuvenates the chin region and removes excess skin and fat from the neck to reduce wrinkling and creases and give the area a smoother, slimmer appearance.

It can solve the issue of “double chin” and “turkey chin” that many people dislike and try to avoid at all costs. A full neck lift may involve liposuction fat removal, skin removal, and repositioning of the platysma, the muscle in the neck.

Surgeons commonly prefer to perform neck lifts with a facelift or other forms of treatments, such as laser skin resurfacing. According to a recent report,  more than 160,000 neck lifts have been performed in the United States in 2020.

Needless to say, a beautifully toned neck is linked to not just a younger appearance, but also to a healthy body and perfect posture. Therefore, it is unsurprising to see many people choose to undergo neck lifts in Turkey. Many even call this surgery “turkey neck surgery”.

Types of Neck Lifts in Turkey

Surgeons can perform various types of neck lift surgery in Turkey for people who seek a better-looking neck, including:

Full Neck liftThis type targets saggy skin in the lower jaw and neck. The surgeon sticks to this type to rearrange the tissue under the skin of the lower neck and strengthen the neck muscles.
Mini Neck LiftThis type is a less invasive procedure that can help you look much younger. As you may already expect, the mini neck lift requires a smaller incision than a traditional neck lift. This translates into a shorter recovery time and less bruising and swelling.
Deep Neck LiftA deep neck lift brings a more youthful appearance by targeting the deeper set of muscles inside the neck. This sounds a bit more invasive, but the results will be more stunning eventually.
Hyo Neck LiftThe Hyo neck lift is a relatively recent technique that includes sewing a strip of tissue of the neck muscles to the bone at the root of the tongue. This method remains less invasive than a complete or full neck lift.

Steps of Neck Lift

Plastic surgeons rarely perform platysmaplasty (neck lift) alone. In fact, they tend to perform facelifts and neck lifts at the same time. They also can use general or local anesthesia. In most instances, general anesthesia is the right choice. The process takes around 2 hours, and it doesn’t cause pain except for some discomfort that you may feel on the first day only.

Your surgeon may advise you to stop taking aspirin or other blood-thinning drugs a few days before the surgery. Also, they may recommend you quit smoking since smoking creates skin wrinkles and inhibits rehabilitation and healing. A neck lift involves the following steps:

  1. Your surgeon will give you sedative drugs to help you feel relaxed throughout the surgical process.
  2. Next, they start by making an incision along the hairline, extending down and around the ear, and finishing at the back hair.
  3. They tighten both the skin of the neck and the platysma muscle.
  4. The incision line is closed with sutures or skin glue.
  5. After a few days, the sutures may disintegrate or need manual removal.
  6. Raising your neck muscles may leave swelling and bruising. To reduce swelling, you may need to wear specific clothes around your neck.

Candidates for Neck Lift

neck and face lift in turkey

A neck lift can help you get the appearance of a tight and supple neck. It’s a wonderful choice for those who have lost a lot of weight and have loose-hanging neck skin. Probably, the best time to get a neck lift is before the age of 45 – 55 because most of the aging signs occur in this period. However, people over the age of 60 or older can also undergo the surgery. Candidates for neck lift also include:

  • People in good physical, mental, and emotional condition.
  • Those who desperately want to solve the “double chin” problem.
  • Women and men who want better-looking necks at any cost.
  • People who have realistic expectations.

Benefits of Neck Lift in Turkey

This surgical intervention can indeed improve the look of sagging skin beneath the chin and neck by smoothing and toning the area. Many studies have stressed this fact. Your decision to come to Turkey for platysmaplasty (neck lift) will bring you a lot of benefits that include:

  • Accomplish what diet and vigorous exercises fail to accomplish as these measures have little to no effect on the neck.
  • Spare yourself the burden of scars because neck lift’s incisions are hidden behind the ears and beneath the hairline.
  • Indulge in the glamorous vibe of Turkish landscapes and culture, especially in Istanbul.
  • Get yourself a more youthful, rejuvenated, and refreshed appearance.
  • Improve your self-esteem and confidence as you’re getting a new look.
  • Get smoother neck skin without fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Reduce the level of excess and drooping neck skin.
  • Enjoy a quick and seamless recovery after the surgery.
  • Enjoy an amazing traveling experience.

For many people, these benefits are more than enough to convince them that Turkey is the best country for neck lift surgery.

Recovery After Neck Lift Surgery

To get a smooth recovery after a neck lift, try to follow the next instructions:

  • Keep the drainage tube in place until your doctor removes it after a couple of days
  • To treat selling, you can use ice packs and medical bandages
  • Take pain medications as directed by your doctor
  • Avoid strenuous activity for at least two weeks
  • Avoid showering until your doctor permits it

Risks of Neck Lift

In the weeks following surgery, you may experience some side effects, such as:

  • Swelling and bruising
  • Abnormal sensations, such as tingling or numbness
  • Infection or fever
  • Hair loss in the areas next to surgical incisions
  • Skin discoloration
  • Minor scarring

Cost of Neck Lift in Turkey

neck lift cost turkey

The average cost of platysmaplasty (neck lift) in Turkey is 2800 US dollars. Some clinics ask only for 800 US dollars, while others may charge up to 4800 US dollars, depending on their quality and their additional services. Now, hold a second if you may think these prices are high. Hold a second until you check prices in other countries.

The cost of face and neck lift in Turkey is cheaper than in other countries. In the United States, for instance, the average cost of a neck lift is 5774 US dollars according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This price tag only covers a portion of the entire cost, not everything.

Shockingly, some clinics in the United States ask for more than 15000 US dollars for a neck lift, which is 7-8 folds what Turkish clinics charge for the same procedure.

Neck lift prices in the United Kingdom start at 6000 US dollars. Furthermore, cosmetic surgeries, such as neck lifts, are usually not covered by health insurance, so you need to pay for them from your own pocket.

Final Thought

Platysmaplasty (neck lift) is a simple and effective solution to battle signs of aging that appear on the neck and chin. People with turkey necks or double chins can benefit a lot from this procedure. You can choose to undergo full, mini, or other forms of neck lift, depending on your needs and budget.

Speaking of budget, Turkish clinics are known for their low-price tags. They offer high-quality services and bring satisfactory results without asking for heavy prices. International Clinics is the one you may look for if you want a cheap and reliable treatment experience. You can contact us directly by using the Contact Us forms and buttons displayed on our website.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can Neck Lift Help Me Lose More Weight?

Platysmaplasty (neck lift) is intended to improve the appearance of your neck exclusively. So, it does not help in losing weight. In addition, this surgery doesn’t improve wrinkles around your eyes, forehead, and mouth. It only targets the skin and fat in the neck area.

Is Neck Lift Possible Without Surgery?

Some people can resort to nonsurgical techniques to enhance the look of their necks. These nonsurgical treatments have several advantages, and they include Botox injections, fractionated laser treatments, and dermal fillers, which can replenish skin volume.

Is It Possible to Combine a Neck lift with Other Procedures?

Yes of course. In fact, neck lifts are frequently paired with additional treatments for people who want to rejuvenate their entire faces. These include facelift and blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery.

Can a Neck lift Go Horribly Wrong?

Not exactly. There are dangers and risks associated with anesthesia. Some people report stiffness in their necks at first. It is unlikely for things to go completely wrong unless the surgeon neglects a major step in the surgery.

How Long Will the Results Last?

It’s difficult to say exactly how long, but it is possible for the results of neck lift to remain for at least 10 years. This eventually depends on the doctor’s expertise, the quality of the surgery, and the patient’s overall health.

Is Turkey Neck Surgery Painful?

There is no pain during neck lift surgery because surgeons often use anesthesia.

What Should I Know About Turkey?

Turkey is the land of kebab, Rumi-style poetry, and breathtaking landscapes. Visiting Turkey is a refreshing experience that many people are eager to have. Turkish people are exceptionally friendly and they, for sure, speak Turkish, but many of them speak English too.
They use Turkish Lira as a currency and reside majorly in popular cities, such as Istanbul, Antalya, and Izmir. International Clinics in Istanbul reserve their position as the most recommended clinics in Turkey for neck lifts and other cosmetic surgeries.

Read more: Facelift in Turkey