Liposuction involves the removal of excess fat from the body using a cannula and making small incisions. However, male liposuction scars remain a hot topic and one of the factors that prevent more men from trying the procedure.

The small incisions of liposuction are usually made in areas that are not easily visible- like the creases of the skin- to reduce the appearance of scarring. However, it’s still possible to develop scars after the procedure, especially if the skin is thin or the incisions were large.

What Are Male Liposuction Scars?

Male liposuction scars are usually small, hard to notice, and tend to fade with time. Immediately after surgery, they may appear reddish or pink in color, but they will often become thin white lines within a few months. Also, clinical studies have investigated all possible complications after liposuctions and concluded that they’re rare or low, and even suggested liposuction to remove scars.

People with darker skin tones may find that their scars are more visible due to the contrast between the scar and the surrounding skin. It’s uncommon for significant scarring to occur after liposuction as plastic surgeons often try to minimize scarring by using the proper technique during the procedure.

To minimize scarring, your surgeon will aim to make the incisions as small as possible and place them in areas that are less noticeable. However, if scarring does occur, it may be due to poor incision placement during the procedure.

If you are thinking about undergoing gynecomastia surgery, you may be concerned about the potential appearance of scars from the procedure. Gynecomastia surgery usually involves making elliptical incisions around the nipples, the size of which depends on the amount of fat tissue that needs to be removed and whether liposuction is involved.

Causes of Male Liposuction Scars

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The appearance of scars after the procedure is largely determined by the size and location of the incisions on the chest. Incisions made around the nipples with a thin excision device are typically less noticeable once they have healed. However, some individuals may be more prone to significant scarring due to genetic reasons.

Proper aftercare, including cleaning, massaging, and avoiding sun exposure, can also help reduce the visibility of scars. It’s important to mention that the success of the surgery is not solely dependent on the surgeon’s skill as poor aftercare can also impact the appearance of scars.

Signs of Male Liposuction Scars

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Male liposuction scars may initially appear red before turning purple, but they will eventually fade and blend in with the surrounding skin over time. The specific locations for incisions during liposuction can vary depending on the individual case and the location of fat deposits.

Another associated sign is hyperpigmentation, which is a common side effect of liposuction. The skin becomes darker or discolored in the area where the procedure was done. This can be due to inflammation or injury to the skin during the procedure, as well as other factors such as genetics, sun exposure, and skin type.

Treatment of Male Liposuction Scars

To achieve the most attractive and natural-looking results, liposuction requires a high level of precision. During liposuction, a thin tube (cannula) is inserted through small cuts in the skin, typically in inconspicuous areas of the body.

The fat is then removed through the cannula, and the incisions are closed with stitches. This process often leaves small scars. If you have visible scarring after your incisions have fully healed, there are several treatments available to help improve their appearance.

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Laser Therapy

This therapy uses heat to break up scars and stimulate new skin cell growth. People usually find it very helpful although it typically requires multiple sessions.

Silicone Gel Sheets

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One option is to use silicone gel sheets, which can be applied at home and may help minimize the appearance of male liposuction scars.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels involve the exfoliation of the top layers of skin to remove scar tissue. This can also be effective, especially when performed by an experienced dermatologist.


This is a manual exfoliation method that can remove scar tissue and stimulate collagen production. This therapy can improve the appearance of a variety of skin concerns, such as sun damage, fine lines, and wrinkles.


Cryotherapy freezes scar tissue with nitrogen gas to reduce the size of scars. The treatment involves the use of extremely cold temperatures to destroy abnormal cells or tissue. Studies have proven that this treatment is safe and achieves good scar reduction.

Scar Revision Surgery

In more severe cases of scarring, scar revision surgery may be necessary to excise the scar and leave behind a smaller, less noticeable one.

Tummy Tuck Male Liposuction Scars

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Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the abdomen and the tightening of abdominal muscles. It is often used to improve the appearance of the stomach area after weight loss or pregnancy.

Liposuction, on the other hand, is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from the body using a hollow stainless-steel tube called a cannula. The cannula is inserted through small incisions in the skin and the fat is suctioned out through the tube.

Both tummy tuck and liposuction can result in scarring, but the extent and appearance of which will depend on the individual and the specific procedure being performed. Expect, however, more scars to appear if both procedures are combined together.

Tummy tuck scars are usually located along the lower abdomen and may be visible when wearing certain types of clothing, while liposuction scars are typically small and may be located in the area where the fat was removed.

Gynecomastia Surgery Male Liposuction Scars

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Gynecomastia surgery or male breast reduction is a procedure that reduces the size of enlarged breasts in men. The condition can be caused by excess fat, glandular tissue, or a combination of both.

liposuction is a major method used to perform gynecomastia surgery to remove excess fat from the breasts. Both gynecomastia surgery and liposuction can result in scarring.

Gynecomastia surgery scars are usually located in the breast area and may be visible when wearing certain types of clothing, while liposuction scars are typically small and located mainly in the area where the fat was disposed of.

Neck Liposuction Scars

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Neck or submental liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from the neck and jawline to improve the appearance of a double chin or create a more defined jawline.

While neck liposuction carries the risk of scarring like all surgical procedures, the scars are usually small and located under the ear. They fade over time and become less noticeable as part of the healing process after surgery.

If you are considering neck liposuction, it is important to discuss the potential risks and benefits with a qualified surgeon before making a decision. After all, the surgery is targeting an area very close to your face. Hence, neck liposuction scars should be taken seriously.

Arm Liposuction Scars

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Arm liposuction is a surgical procedure that aims to improve the shape and contour of the arms by removing excess fat. While arm liposuction can be effective, it is important to be aware that it carries some risks, such as scarring.

These scars are also small and may be concentrated in the axillary (armpit) and the elbow. It’s common for scars to form after any surgical procedure, but most arm liposuction scars become less noticeable over time because surgeons often rely on laser liposuction to conduct the procedure. Laser liposuction is known for producing fewer scars.

Liposuction Scars on Thighs

Liposuction scars on the thighs or legs are the result of the incisions made during the liposuction procedure, which are necessary to allow the surgeon to access the fat cells and remove them using a cannula.

Leg Liposuction scars may be more noticeable in some individuals than others, depending on a variety of factors such as the size and location of the scars, the patient’s skin type, and the patient’s individual healing process.

Since the thigh area is larger, the scars might be large too, but that’s not the case always. In most cases, liposuction scars will fade over time and become less noticeable as the skin heals and the scar tissue matures.

Male Liposuction Scars Before and After

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Male liposuction scars are the results of surgical incisions, which are typically less than a quarter of an inch in size. Below are some liposuction scars before and after in men:

The Bottom Line

Like any surgical procedure, liposuction can result in scars of different shapes and sizes. They are usually small and inconspicuous, but they remain a source of concern for many men who plan to undergo liposuction.

In general, male liposuction scars tend to be less noticeable because they are typically located in areas with thicker skin, such as the abdomen. However, the appearance of scars can also be influenced patient’s skin type and the skill of the surgeon.

International Clinics provides liposuction and gynecomastia surgery to men who are willing to travel to Turkey to undergo these procedures at affordable costs. Our surgeons are known for being precise and delicate to avoid leaving scars. Reach us immediately using the Contact Us buttons on our website.

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Frequently Asked Questions 

Does Liposuction Work on Men’s Belly Fat?

Liposuction can be a great option for men who seek a permanent resolution to belly fat. This procedure is known to be both safe and effective in helping men eliminate excess fat from various areas of their bodies, including the chest and belly.

Do Lipo Scars Go Away?

Patients with a tendency to develop scars after surgery may notice visible scars after liposuction, but these are expected to fade with time, which can take anywhere from six months to a year. In some cases, however, scars become stubborn and may require additional intervention.

What Do the Scars Look Like After Liposuction?

Liposuction scars are usually small and resemble a freckle in size. In most cases, these scars will gradually fade over a period of six months. However, some patients may experience hyperpigmentation at the incision site.

Should Men Get Lipo?

Liposuction is a growing trend among men who want to remove excess fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. liposuction can be performed on people of all genders, not just men. It can help you achieve a more toned and defined physique, improving your appearance and self-confidence.

Does Liposuction Leave Saggy Skin?

Liposuction does not result in sagging skin in most cases. However, if a person’s skin lacks sufficient elasticity, it may not tighten and retract as desired after the procedure.

How Do You Hide Lipo Scars?

If you are concerned about scarring after liposuction, there are several non-invasive treatment options that may help hide scars. These may include over-the-counter creams, silicone gel, and gel sheets.

How Long Do Lipo Scars Take to Fade?

The incision site for liposuction is relatively small, so the resulting scar is less noticeable. It generally takes a few weeks for the scar to fade, with the process beginning around 4-8 weeks after the procedure.

Read more: Liposuction in Turkey: Your Ultimate Guide