
facelift surgery

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Are you tired of looking in the mirror and seeing wrinkled skin and the visible signs of aging on your facial skin? Consider a surgical facelift performed by a skilled cosmetic surgeon. Sagging skin, wrinkles, and other imperfections can take a toll on your self-confidence. If you’re looking to address these concerns, a surgical facelift performed by a skilled cosmetic surgeon may be the solution. Plastic surgery can help you achieve a rejuvenated appearance and regain your self-assurance. But fret not, because there is a solution that can help you turn back the clock – a cosmetic procedure known as a facelift performed by a cosmetic surgeon. This procedure targets wrinkled skin and is also referred to as a rhytidectomy.

A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon to reduce the signs of aging in the face, specifically targeting wrinkled skin and sagging facial tissues. A face lift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that specifically targets sagging skin, wrinkles, and other visible indications of time passing by. The ultimate goal of a rhytidectomy, performed by a cosmetic surgeon, is to help people achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. This procedure can greatly boost confidence.

If you’ve been considering options to enhance your facial appearance, a rhytidectomy performed by a skilled cosmetic surgeon might be just what you need. This procedure offers various options such as traditional facelifts, deep plane facelifts, neck lifts, brow lifts, and is performed by a cosmetic surgeon. By targeting different areas of the face like facial muscles and tissues, a cosmetic surgeon can effectively rejuvenate your overall look with a lift.

So if you’re ready to say goodbye to those bothersome signs of aging and hello to a younger-looking you, it’s time to consult a cosmetic surgeon for a face lift. Keep reading!

Understanding the Facelift Procedure

A facelift, performed by a cosmetic surgeon, is a surgical procedure that aims to rejuvenate the face by tightening the underlying facial muscles and removing excess skin. This popular cosmetic surgery, known as a face lift, helps individuals achieve a smoother and more youthful appearance. Let’s delve into the details of this transformative procedure.

What Does a Facelift Involve?

During a facelift, incisions are typically made near the hairline or behind the ears by a cosmetic surgeon to minimize visible scarring. These strategic incisions allow the surgeon access to the underlying structures of the face during a lift. Once the incisions are made, the surgeon carefully lifts and repositions the facial tissues, including muscles and fat pads, to create a more youthful contour.

Excess skin is also removed during this process. By eliminating sagging skin, a face lift performed by a cosmetic surgeon reduces wrinkles and fine lines, resulting in a tighter and more refreshed look. The remaining skin is then meticulously redraped by a cosmetic surgeon over the newly tightened facial structures for optimal face lift results.

The Duration of the Procedure

The duration of a facelift performed by a cosmetic surgeon can vary depending on individual needs. On average, it takes several hours for a cosmetic surgeon to successfully complete this intricate face lift procedure. Factors such as the extent of correction required, additional procedures performed simultaneously (such as neck lift or eyelid surgery), and individual variations influence how long each cosmetic surgeon’s surgery lasts.

The face lift surgeon devotes significant time during pre-operative consultations to understand each patient’s unique face lift goals and expectations thoroughly. This allows them to devise an individualized surgical plan for a face lift that considers all aspects necessary for achieving desired outcomes while ensuring patient safety.

Benefits of a Facelift

Undergoing a facelift offers numerous benefits beyond just aesthetic improvements. Let’s explore some advantages associated with this transformative procedure:

  1. Enhanced Facial Contours: By tightening facial muscles and removing excess skin, a facelift provides improved definition and contouring of key areas like cheeks, jawline, and neck.
  2. Reduced Signs of Aging: Wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin are effectively addressed during a facelift. This face lift helps individuals achieve a more youthful appearance and reverses some of the visible signs of aging.
  3. Boost in Self-Confidence: The positive changes resulting from a successful facelift can significantly enhance self-esteem and confidence levels, allowing individuals to feel more comfortable and satisfied with their overall appearance.
  4. Long-lasting Results: While a facelift cannot halt the natural aging process, its effects are long-lasting. Patients can enjoy their rejuvenated look for years to come with a face lift, making it a worthwhile investment in their appearance.

Recovery and Aftercare

After undergoing a facelift, it is essential to follow proper recovery guidelines to ensure optimal healing and results. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Understanding the intricacies of a facelift procedure empowers individuals considering this surgical option to make informed decisions about their cosmetic goals. By addressing concerns such as sagging skin and facial muscle laxity, a face lift offers individuals the opportunity to restore their youthful appearance while boosting self-confidence.

Remember that consulting with an experienced plastic surgeon is crucial when considering any surgical procedure, including a face lift. They will guide you through every step of the face lift process, ensuring your safety and helping you achieve your desired face lift outcome.

Types of Facelifts and Anesthesia Options

Different types of facelifts

There are various face lift options available, each catering to different needs and desired outcomes. Let’s explore the different types of facelifts:

  1. Traditional Facelift:
    • This is the most comprehensive type of facelift, addressing multiple areas of the face.
    • During a traditional facelift, incisions are made along the hairline and behind the ears to access deeper layers of tissue.
    • The underlying muscles are tightened, excess fat is removed or repositioned, and the skin is redraped for a more youthful appearance.
    • Sutures are used to close the incisions and promote proper healing.
  2. Mini Facelift:
    • A mini facelift is a less invasive procedure that targets specific areas with smaller incisions.
    • It focuses on improving signs of aging in localized regions such as the lower face or neck.
    • The procedure involves tightening underlying facial tissues and removing excess skin through shorter incisions.
    • Mini facelifts offer a quicker recovery time compared to traditional facelifts.
  3. Mid-Face Lift:
    • As we age, our cheeks may sag or lose volume due to natural collagen depletion.
    • A mid-face lift specifically addresses these concerns by lifting and repositioning sagging cheek tissue.
    • Incisions are typically made within the hairline or inside the mouth to access and lift deep facial structures.
    • This technique can restore youthful contours to the mid-face area.
  4. Lower Facelift:
    • The lower facelift targets signs of aging in the jowls, jawline, and neck region.
    • It involves tightening loose skin, removing excess fat deposits, and improving muscle tone in these areas.
    • Incisions are usually made behind the ears and may extend into the hairline for optimal results.
    • By addressing specific areas of concern, a lower facelift can provide a more defined and rejuvenated appearance.

Anesthesia options

The choice of anesthesia during a facelift procedure depends on factors such as patient preference, surgical complexity, and surgeon recommendation. Here are the two main options:

  1. Local Anesthesia with Sedation:
    • This approach involves numbing the specific treatment areas using local anesthetic injections.
    • Patients remain conscious but relaxed throughout the procedure due to sedation medication administered intravenously.
    • Local anesthesia with sedation is often preferred for less extensive procedures like mini facelifts or mid-face lifts.
    • It offers a shorter recovery time and fewer potential side effects associated with general anesthesia.
  2. General Anesthesia:
    • In some cases, general anesthesia may be recommended for more extensive facelift surgeries or when combined with other procedures.
    • With general anesthesia, patients are completely unconscious and unaware during the entire operation.
    • An anesthesiologist closely monitors vital signs throughout the procedure to ensure safety and comfort.
    • Although it requires a longer recovery period compared to local anesthesia, general anesthesia allows for more extensive surgical interventions.

Risks and Benefits of Facelift Surgery

Risks Associated with Facelift Surgery

Facelift surgery, also known as a surgical facelift or cosmetic surgery, can yield remarkable results in terms of facial rejuvenation. However, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks involved before undergoing the procedure. Some common risks associated with facelift surgery include:

  1. Bleeding: As with any surgical procedure, bleeding is a risk during and after a facelift. While your surgeon will take precautions to minimize this risk, it’s important to be aware that some degree of bleeding is normal.
  2. Infection: Infections can occur following any surgical procedure, including facelifts. Your surgeon will provide you with post-operative care instructions to help reduce the risk of infection. It’s crucial to follow these guidelines meticulously.
  3. Scarring: While skilled surgeons strive to minimize scarring by placing incisions strategically, scarring is an inevitable part of any surgical procedure. The extent and visibility of scarring can vary depending on individual healing processes.
  4. Nerve Damage: Facelift surgery involves working around delicate facial nerves, which carries the risk of nerve damage. This can result in temporary or permanent numbness or weakness in certain areas of the face.
  5. Hematoma Formation: A hematoma refers to the collection of blood under the skin that may occur after surgery due to internal bleeding. Hematomas can cause swelling and discomfort and may require additional medical intervention for drainage.

While these risks exist, it’s worth noting that they are relatively rare when performed by experienced cosmetic surgeons or plastic surgeons who specialize in facelift procedures.

Benefits of Facelift Surgery

Despite the potential risks mentioned above, many patients choose to undergo facelift surgery due to its numerous benefits and positive outcomes:

  1. Improved Facial Contours: Facelift surgery can effectively address sagging skin, jowls, and deep wrinkles, resulting in improved facial contours. This procedure helps restore a more youthful appearance by tightening the underlying muscles and removing excess skin.
  2. Reduced Wrinkles: One of the primary goals of a facelift is to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. By repositioning facial tissues and tightening the skin, this procedure can significantly diminish signs of aging on the face.
  3. Increased Self-Esteem: Many patients report increased self-confidence and improved self-esteem following a successful facelift surgery. The rejuvenated appearance can positively impact various aspects of their lives, including personal relationships and professional endeavors.
  4. Long-Lasting Results: While individual results may vary, facelift surgery typically provides long-lasting outcomes compared to non-surgical alternatives such as dermal fillers or Botox injections. The effects of a well-executed facelift can endure for several years before further maintenance may be desired.

It’s crucial to have an open and honest discussion about potential risks with your cosmetic surgeon or plastic surgeon prior to undergoing a facelift procedure. Your surgeon will evaluate your unique circumstances, explain the risks involved, and provide personalized recommendations based on your goals and medical history.

By understanding both the risks and benefits associated with facelift surgery, you can make an informed decision about whether it is the right choice for you in achieving your desired facial rejuvenation results.

Remember that each individual’s experience with facelift surgery may differ, so it is vital to consult with a qualified professional who specializes in cosmetic procedures like eyelid surgery or other relevant treatments for comprehensive guidance tailored to your specific needs.

Recovery Process and Timeline

Recovery from a facelift surgery involves several stages, each with its own timeline and considerations. Understanding the recovery process can help patients prepare for what to expect after the procedure. Here, we will discuss the typical recovery timeline, including common experiences such as swelling and bruising, the use of bandages or compression garments, and when it is safe to resume normal activities.

Swelling and Bruising: Temporary Side Effects

Swelling and bruising are common after a facelift surgery and are part of the body’s natural response to trauma. While these side effects may initially be concerning, they gradually subside over time. In most cases, patients can expect the majority of swelling to diminish within two weeks following the procedure. However, it is important to note that individual healing times may vary.

During the first few days after surgery, patients may experience significant swelling around their face and neck. This swelling typically peaks around 48-72 hours post-surgery before gradually subsiding. Applying cold compresses as recommended by your surgeon can help reduce swelling during this initial period.

Bruising is another temporary side effect that commonly occurs after a facelift. The extent of bruising varies among individuals but generally resolves within one to two weeks. To speed up the healing process, avoiding blood-thinning medications or supplements prior to surgery is advisable.

Bandages and Compression Garments: Supporting Healing

After a facelift surgery, your surgeon may recommend wearing bandages or compression garments during the early stages of recovery. These aids provide support to the surgical areas while minimizing swelling and promoting proper healing.

Bandages are typically applied immediately after surgery and kept in place for at least 24 hours. They help protect incisions from external elements while providing gentle pressure on tissues to reduce post-operative swelling.

Compression garments are often used in conjunction with bandages or as an alternative depending on your surgeon’s preference. These specialized garments apply controlled pressure to the treated areas, aiding in fluid drainage and supporting the reshaping of facial contours. Your surgeon will provide specific instructions on when and how long to wear these garments.

It is important to strictly follow your surgeon’s guidance regarding bandages and compression garments, as they play a crucial role in optimizing your recovery process.

Resuming Normal Activities: Patience is Key

While individual recovery times may vary, most patients can resume their normal activities within two weeks after a facelift surgery. However, it is essential to listen to your body and gradually ease back into your routine.

During the initial phase of recovery, it is advisable to avoid strenuous exercise or any activity that may increase blood pressure or heart rate. This precaution helps minimize swelling and reduces the risk of complications during the healing process. Your surgeon will provide specific guidelines tailored to your situation.

As you progress through your recovery timeline, you will notice improvements in both physical appearance and comfort levels. By following post-operative instructions diligently, you can ensure a smoother healing experience and achieve optimal results from your facelift surgery.

Managing Complications and Side Effects

Complications after facelift surgery are rare but can include infection, hematoma, or adverse reactions to anesthesia. It’s important to note that these complications can occur with any surgical procedure, and your surgeon will take necessary precautions to minimize the risks. However, being aware of potential complications and knowing how to manage them is crucial for a successful recovery.

Proper wound care and post-operative instructions

One of the key aspects in managing complications after a facelift is proper wound care. Your surgeon will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions on how to take care of your incisions. Following these instructions diligently can help prevent infections and promote healing.

Typically, you will be advised to keep the incision sites clean and dry for a certain period of time. This may involve gently washing the area with mild soap and water or using specific cleansers recommended by your surgeon. It’s important not to scrub or rub the incisions vigorously as it can disrupt the healing process.

Your surgeon may instruct you on how to apply bandages or dressings over the incisions. These bandages not only protect the wounds but also provide support to the underlying tissues during the initial healing phase. Make sure to follow their guidance on when and how often to change these bandages.

Attending follow-up appointments

Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon are essential in managing complications effectively. These appointments allow your surgeon to monitor your progress, assess any potential issues, and address them promptly.

During these visits, they will examine your incisions for signs of infection or other complications such as hematoma (a collection of blood under the skin). They may also remove any sutures or staples that were used during the surgery if they deem it appropriate.

By attending these follow-up appointments as scheduled, you give your surgeon an opportunity to intervene early if there are any concerns. Remember, they are there to support you throughout your recovery journey.

Temporary side effects and their resolution

While complications are rare, it’s important to be aware of the temporary side effects that can occur after a facelift. These side effects are typically part of the normal healing process and tend to resolve with time.

One common side effect is numbness or altered sensation in the facial area. This can happen due to temporary nerve irritation during the surgery. It’s important to remember that nerves take time to heal, and gradual improvement in sensation can be expected over several weeks or months.

Another temporary side effect is tightness or stiffness in the facial muscles. This is a result of tissue swelling and the natural healing process. Gentle facial exercises recommended by your surgeon can help alleviate this tightness gradually.

In some cases, individuals may experience temporary hair loss near the incision sites. This occurs due to trauma to the hair follicles during surgery but usually resolves as new hair growth takes place.

It’s crucial not to panic if you encounter these temporary side effects. They are part of the healing journey, and patience is key. However, if you have any concerns or notice unusual symptoms, it’s always best to reach out to your surgeon for guidance and reassurance.

Long-Term Results and Prognosis

If you’re considering a facelift, one of the most important aspects to consider is the long-term results and prognosis. A facelift surgery can provide you with a more youthful appearance that lasts for many years, but it’s essential to understand that the natural aging process will continue over time.

The Long-Lasting Results of a Facelift

One of the primary reasons why patients opt for a facelift is because of its long-lasting results. This surgical procedure aims to address signs of aging such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial volume. By tightening facial muscles and removing excess skin, a facelift can effectively restore a more youthful look.

After undergoing a facelift, patients often experience significant improvements in their appearance. They notice smoother skin, reduced wrinkles, and firmer contours. These results typically last for several years, providing individuals with increased self-confidence and satisfaction.

The Continuation of the Aging Process

While a facelift can turn back the clock on your appearance, it’s crucial to remember that it does not stop the aging process altogether. As time goes on, your body will naturally continue to age. Factors such as genetics, lifestyle choices, and skincare routine play significant roles in how well your facelift results hold up over time.

It’s important to have realistic expectations about what a facelift can achieve in terms of longevity. While it can provide you with remarkable improvements that last for many years, eventually some signs of aging may reappear. However, even as these signs become noticeable again, they are likely to be less severe than if you had never undergone the procedure.

Prolonging Your Facelift Results

Although you cannot completely halt the effects of aging after a facelift surgery, there are steps you can take to prolong your results:

  1. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: A balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep can contribute to overall skin health and help slow down the aging process.
  2. Follow a Skincare Routine: Consult with your surgeon or dermatologist to develop a personalized skincare routine that addresses your specific needs. This may include using high-quality skincare products, applying sunscreen daily, and incorporating anti-aging treatments such as retinoids or antioxidants.
  3. Protect Your Skin from Sun Damage: Excessive sun exposure can accelerate the aging process and diminish the longevity of your facelift results. Always wear sunscreen with a high SPF and seek shade when the sun is at its strongest.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water helps keep your skin hydrated and plump, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  5. Avoid Smoking and Limit Alcohol Consumption: Smoking damages collagen and elastin in the skin, leading to premature aging. Similarly, excessive alcohol consumption can dehydrate your skin and contribute to sagging.
  6. Regularly Visit Your Doctor for Check-Ups: Maintaining a good relationship with your doctor allows for early detection of any potential issues that may affect your facelift results. They can provide guidance on skincare products or procedures that complement your surgical outcomes.

By following these guidelines, you can enhance the longevity of your facelift results and enjoy a more youthful appearance for an extended period.

Achieving a Refreshed Appearance

Now that you have a better understanding of the facelift procedure, types of facelifts available, and the risks and benefits involved, it’s time to take the next step towards achieving a refreshed appearance. Whether you’re looking to reduce sagging skin, smooth out wrinkles, or restore youthful contours, a facelift can help you achieve your desired results. By consulting with a qualified plastic surgeon who specializes in facial rejuvenation, you can discuss your goals and expectations in detail. They will guide you through the entire process, from pre-operative preparations to post-operative care.

So why wait? Take control of your appearance and boost your confidence today by exploring the possibilities of a facelift. Book a consultation with a reputable plastic surgeon who has extensive experience in performing successful facelift procedures. Remember, every individual is unique, so it’s important to personalize your treatment plan based on your specific needs and desired outcome. Don’t let aging hold you back from looking and feeling your best!


How long does the recovery process take?

The recovery process after a facelift varies from person to person but generally takes around two weeks for most visible swelling and bruising to subside. However, complete healing may take several months.

Can I combine my facelift with other cosmetic procedures?

Yes! Many individuals choose to combine their facelift with other cosmetic procedures such as eyelid surgery or neck lift for more comprehensive rejuvenation.

Will there be visible scarring after the procedure?

While incisions are made during a facelift procedure, skilled surgeons make every effort to minimize scarring by placing incisions discreetly along natural creases or hairlines.

Are there non-surgical alternatives to a facelift?

Yes! If you’re not ready for surgery or prefer non-invasive options, there are non-surgical alternatives such as dermal fillers, Botox injections, or laser treatments that can provide temporary rejuvenation.

How long do the results of a facelift last?

The results of a facelift are long-lasting but not permanent. While the aging process continues, you can expect to enjoy the benefits of a facelift for several years. Regular skincare and healthy lifestyle choices can help maintain your refreshed appearance.


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Overview of Facelift
3 Hours
Hospital Stay
1 Night
After 2 Days
Work Leave
1 Week
Complete Recovery
2 Weeks

Intro to Facelift

Are you ready to turn back the clock and get a more youthful-looking face? A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that can give your face a more youthful appearance by removing extra facial skin and reshaping the lower part of your face.
In 2016, more than 107,250 women and 13,700 men underwent facelift surgery in the United States. So, it is an extremely popular surgery, and both men and women can have it.
Facelift surgery divides into different types, such as full facelift, mid-facelift, and mini facelift. Your cosmetic surgeon will choose the technique or type that suits your needs.

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Benefits of Facelift

You will get a youthful, smoother, and vibrant face after undergoing a facelift. In addition, a facelift can provide you with the following benefits:

bb974546f7d2e489a70f7a4727544da0 Facelift
  • 1
    Remove sagging skin and get more toned and shiny skin
  • 2
    Treat drooping cheeks along the jaw line and get more lifted corners around your mouth
  • 3
    Reduce wrinkles and creases between the cheeks and the lips
  • 4
    Redistribute the fat in the face, which disappeared due to aging
  • 5
    Treat double chin or “turkey neck”, especially if you choose an additional neck lift
  • 6
    Defeat the effects of gravity and hide jowls in the cheeks and jaw
  • 7
    Feel like celebrities that you often see on magazine covers, such as Sharon Osbourne and Sonja Morgan, who underwent facelifts before!
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    Candidates for Facelift

    You’re an ideal candidate for a facelift if you have a good health condition and don’t have a medical problem that limits recovery after surgery. Also, plastic surgeons strongly suggest facelifts for people who:

    • Are in their 40s to 60s, but younger or older people can be candidates as well
    • Exhibit symptoms of facial aging
    • Have realistic expectations
    • Have good skin elasticity
    • Are not smokers
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    Preparation for Facelift

    To receive all facelift benefits, you must first choose an experienced plastic surgeon with a proven record. You and your surgeon will discuss many things during your facelift consultation, including your goals and objectives, medical history, allergies, medications, and drinking habits. Moreover, your surgeon may do or suggest the following:
    • Examine your physical and mental condition.
    • Discuss facelift types and options and their complications.  
    • Take clinical pictures of your face and neck after getting your permission.
    • Suggest you undergo a blood test or take new medications.
    • Use certain products to prepare the skin of your face.
    • Avoid certain dishes and beverages.
    • Quit smoking.

    Steps of Facelift

    In most cases, facelift surgery is performed in an outpatient facility. Your surgeon may need anywhere from 2 to 5 hours to complete the surgery, and you can usually return home the same day. Facelifts have evolved substantially in recent decades as plastic surgeons continue to gain a better understanding of the features of the face. In short, the steps of facelifts usually involve the following:

    efcedf4797d4cbfd4e44d6c0a96227a1 Facelift
    1. Anesthesia

    Obviously, anesthesia administration is the initial stage in facelift surgery. Most surgeons prefer general anesthesia, but some surgeons may choose a mixture of local anesthetic and moderate sedatives.

    ea5081ec9a31f9eb3529c313861c4d2d Facelift
    2. Incisions Making

    Your surgeon makes an incision behind your ear in the hairline. The incision runs at the front of the ear and continues to the top of the ear. Also, your surgeon may make a small incision on the crease beneath the chin to target this area.

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    3. Repositioning of Muscles & Tissues

    To reposition and tighten the underlying muscle and connective tissue, your surgeon pushes the skin outward and removes some fat and excess skin. They may also suture the tissues with glue to secure them in their new location.

    be693087b484d6e283fbc627d7845e16 Facelift
    4. Incisions Closure

    Finally, your surgeon uses tiny sutures to seal the wounds and facilitate healing.

    Recovery After Facelift

    The nurse will take you to a room for observation after finishing your facelift surgery. Once you’re stable after a couple of hours, you’ll be able to return home. The recovery phase may include:
    • To reduce swelling and bruising, the doctor will put a bandage around your face and tell you how to care for your incision site.
    • Your surgeon may write a prescription for painkillers to relieve your pain.
    • You may need two weeks before returning to your usual activities. 
    • Wait 4 weeks before engaging in more rigorous activities, such as exercise.
    • You can maintain the benefits of your facelift by avoiding the sunlight, applying moisturizer to your face, and consuming a well-balanced diet.

    Risks of Facelift

    Thankfully, complications and side effects of facelifts are uncommon, especially if a trained and experienced surgeon performed the surgery. However, like any other surgery, risks and complications are still feasible in some cases, and they may entail the following:

    • Anesthesia complications
    • Infection, bleeding, or bruising
    • Temporary damage to the facial nerves
    • Abnormal collections of blood (hematoma)
    • Asymmetry between the two sides of the face
    • Hair loss around the incision site
    • Death of skin tissue (skin necrosis)
    • Persistent numbness

    How Can International Clinics Help You?

    International Clinics helps international patients access affordable, high-quality medical and aesthetic procedures in Turkey.
    Our team of consultants is here to answer your questions and provide guidance throughout your treatment journey.
    Our partner hospitals and clinics have successfully performed thousands of procedures for patients from Europe, Asia, North America, and the Middle East.
    Use the contact forms on our website to request a free consultation with our team. We’re ready to help you get the care you need.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Age doesn’t hinder the surgery. The most important factor is patient’s general health. Most of those who undergo the surgery are between the age of 40-70 years.

    The ideal candidate for the surgery is:
    – Has elastic skin and good bone structure.
    – Has in good health.
    – Has realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery.
    the patient must follow the surgeon’s instructions before and after the surgery.

    The sutures and stitches are removed from the face and neck about 15 days after the surgery.

    It is a surgical alternative to the traditional method. Small incisions are made under the skin to tighten and lift the facial muscles.
    – It can be performed without anaesthesia.
    – Do not leave visible scars.
    – The process takes an hour or two.
    – It is suitable for patients aged 30 -40 years.

    The surgery targets the corners of the mouth and the area between the mouth and nose, as well as the jaw.
    It is suitable for patients of different ages to get rid of the signs of aging and sagging.

    Seamless Treatment Journey

    In addition to helping you find the medical treatment you’re seeking in Turkey, International Clinics also provides a range of supportive services to ensure comfort and safety, including:
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    Professional Team
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    Premium Hospitality
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    High Quality Service
    The quality team communicates with customers after surgeries and procedures to ensure that they are satisfied with all the services they have received.
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