Having large breasts is a dream for many women, but for me, things take a different turn, and the dream becomes a nightmare! ”, said one of my closest friends after she has started to feel persistent discomfort for 2 years due to her large and drooping breasts after delivering her fourth child. The solution that I offered was simple” Why not undergo a breast reduction in Turkey?”.

At first, this was a bit hard and tricky endeavor, but she began to dig seriously into the matter, and finally, she found what she was looking for!

Women who want to modify their breasts shape can easily undergo plastic surgery in Turkey. Breast reduction is a procedure that reduces the size of breasts and makes them proportional to the rest of the body. According to a recent study, women report improvement in their quality of life after undergoing this surgery.

Doctors rely on different methods and techniques to perform breast reduction according to the needs of each woman. More and more women are traveling to Turkey for breast reduction surgery since Turkey is one of the most desired and established destinations when it comes to cosmetic surgery.

The reason for this is that most Turkish clinics offer great quality services at cheap prices. Next, you’ll find all the information you need about breast reduction in Turkey, including techniques, costs, benefits, risks, etc.

Why Should You Undergo Breast Reduction in Turkey?

breast reduction turkey all-inclusive

As the medical tourism sector becomes richer and more organized in the country, people from all around the world start to think of Turkey as the cradle of cosmetic surgeries, including breast reduction procedures. The competitive power of Turkish clinics arises from the following points:

Competitive Cost

The cost of breast reduction surgery, just as other plastic surgery prices in Turkey, is noticeably cheaper compared to other countries. This factor brings the attention of many women who have a limited budget but still want to modify their breasts’ shape.

Competitive Services

Turkish clinics provide patients with high-quality therapeutic and aesthetic services that strongly compete with well-known clinics in other developed countries.

Top-tier Medical Professionals

Experienced surgeons and doctors are available in most clinics in Turkey. When women arrive at the clinic, they can quickly meet and speak with plastic surgeons who can recommend the right technique to reduce the size of the breast without causing permanent adverse effects.

Friendly Environment

Turkish people are heartwarming and kind toward foreigners, especially those who visit the country to undergo medical procedures. Indeed, many foreigners choose to come to Turkey just because of this particular reason.

Privacy Policies

Turkish clinics, most notably International Clinics, comply heavily with a privacy policy that keeps patient information confidential and away from public exposure. 

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What Exactly Is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as “reduction mammoplasty”, aims to remove excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin to alleviate the pain associated with overly large breasts and bring your breasts into proportion with the rest of your body.

For many women, large breasts can create physical symptoms, such as skin irritation and back, neck, and shoulder pain. Some of them can become self-conscious about the weight of their breasts to a point that it becomes difficult to live a normal life.

Undergoing breast reduction in Turkey may be the long-awaited solution for these women. However, if you’re looking to increase the volume of your breast instead of making them smaller, Turkish clinics also offer breast augmentation procedures to achieve this particular goal.

Techniques of Breast Reduction Surgery in Turkey

Some women can undergo breast reduction surgery at an outpatient clinic; others may need to stay in the hospital for at least one night. General anesthesia is unavoidable in either case. Breast reduction surgery usually takes 2 to 5 hours, but sometimes the surgeon needs more time to complete the procedure.

Different surgical methods and techniques are available for this surgery. Your surgeon chooses the proper technique based on the size of your breasts, the amount of tissue that has to be removed, and how you wish to look after surgery.


The surgeon makes small incisions in your skin and places a thin tube into your breast to suction fat and fluids. Surgeons choose this option for those who want to seek small modifications and those with specific skin motility.

Lollipop Reduction

The term “lollipop” refers to something that is vertical. Surgeons choose this option to treat saggy breasts and make moderate modifications to the breast. First, the surgeon makes small cuts around the areola and beneath your breast. Next, he removes excess tissue and fat and restructures the breast.

Inverted-T Reduction

The surgeon makes small cuts from the edge of the areola, down to the breast crease, and beneath the breast. This procedure is appropriate for women who have a lot of sagging and want to lose more weight.

breast reduction before and after

Good Candidates for Breast Reduction surgery 

If you’re a woman who wishes to combat the aesthetic and physical effects inflicted by large breasts, then you might be a good candidate for breast reduction surgery. Also, the surgery may be great for you in case your large breasts cause the following issues for you:

  • Back, neck, or shoulder pain 
  • Limitation of physical activity
  • Skin irritations and indentations from your bra straps
  • Enlarged areola

Instructions Before Breast Reduction

To ensure a seamless recovery following breast reduction in Turkey, you must be in good physical shape before undergoing the surgery. Also, you have to follow certain tips or instructions, such as:

  • Before your treatment, it’s critical to follow your surgeon’s instructions on what you can and can’t eat, drink, and the medications that you can take.
  • Don’t worry about staying in the hospital as most breast reduction treatments are actually outpatient procedures. So, you will be able to return home the same day. However, you’ll need to plan for a ride home.
  • Consult your surgeon about any specific supportive garments you may need, such as bras or compression vests. Make sure to get them ahead of time so you can use them directly after the surgery
  • Weight requirements for breast reduction vary among cases; thus, it’s important to speak with your doctor about this issue.
  • Prepare your house for recovery before the procedure and bring necessary items such as gauze, ice compressions, clean washcloths or towels, and comfy shirts.
  • Use special ointments or lotions as directed by your surgeon to compact breast reduction scars.

Instructions After Breast Reduction

Plan on taking at least a week off from work or school. Some women require a few weeks. Your surgeon will give you instructions on how to remove bandages and sutures during your follow-up sessions. Other useful instructions include:

  • It is totally normal to experience breast soreness after the procedure. To help you get through the first few days, your surgeon will prescribe an oral pain reliever. should also be avoided.
  • After the surgery, some women experience an emotional response and depression. This is normal to a certain degree, but you need to speak with your doctor if things get worse.
  • Avoid physical exercise and heavy lifting for at least a month.

Benefits of Undergoing Breast Reduction in Turkey

Many women choose to undergo breast reduction because of the range of benefits they will get. Indeed, this surgery is a life-changing procedure for many women who want better-looking breasts. Here is a list of benefits that they can get when choosing to undergo breast reduction in Turkey:

  • Say goodbye to neck strain, infections, and low back pain related to large breasts.
  • The surgery is part of breast cancer treatment and gender affirmation procedures.
  • Get an opportunity to combine a vacation with low-cost treatment.
  • Strengthen yourself and be able to do physical activity without strain.
  • Get an additional breast lift as it is usually included in the procedure.
  • Be ready to shop for new bras and attractive garments.
  • Improve your posture and have a new look.
  • Enhance your confidence and self-image.
  • Introduce yourself to a new culture.

Potential Side Effects of Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery results in scar formation. These scars disappear with time, but not completely. If you carry heavy things too soon after surgery, they can get worse. Other issues that might arise include:

  • Short-term or long-term loss of sensation in your breasts or nipples
  • Damage to adjacent nerves, blood vessels, and other organs
  • The necessity to undergo more surgery.
  • Infection, blood clots, or bleeding.
  • Anesthesia-related side effects
  • Bruising and swelling

Important Issues to Consider Before Breast Reduction

Breast red before 1 Breast Reduction in Turkey
Breast red after 1 Breast Reduction in Turkey

Name: Wedad
Age: 41
Nationality: Tunisia
Operation date: 06-18-2016
Additional actions: none

Try to take the next issues seriously before undergoing breast reduction in Turkey:

  • Doctors recommend breast reduction for mature women who have fully developed breasts.
  • Infections can develop easily on the surgery site when using breast and nipple piercings.
  • You can’t undergo some diagnostic procedures after breast reduction surgery.
  • Breast changes after significant weight loss or gain can affect the results of breast reduction surgery. The same thing can happen after pregnancy.
  • Think about your budget. Breast reduction is a reconstructive surgical intervention; therefore, your health insurance may not cover it.
  • Complex surgery is usually needed for extremely large breasts. Before reducing the breast size, the surgeon may remove the areola and nipple, then reconnect them afterward.
  • Complications are more common among smoker women. Before undergoing surgery, try to quit smoking to improve your overall health and well-being.
  • Consider getting a second opinion from a different doctor.
  • Breast reduction affects your breastfeeding ability.

How Much Is a Breast Reduction in Turkey?

breast reduction turkey cost

In Istanbul-Turkey, the average price for breast reduction surgery is 3400 US dollars. In case you have the surgery for therapeutic reasons, your insurance company may cover some or all the cost of breast reduction surgery. Breast reduction surgery in the United Kingdom costs roughly 8500 US dollars, including consultations or follow-up care. 

According to 2020 figures from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of breast reduction (for cosmetic purposes) in the United States is 5913 US dollars, excluding the cost of anesthesia, operating room, and other costs. This makes Turkey remarkably cheaper when it comes to the cost of breast reduction surgery and other similar procedures.

Final Thought

No matter how large and asymmetrical your breasts look, you can solve this problem easily by undergoing breast reduction surgery in Turkey. This decision brings with it many benefits, not just aesthetic and therapeutic benefits indeed, but also exciting and entertaining benefits too because you will get the chance to visit one of the most gorgeous countries in the world without breaking your bank account. International Clinics is here to help you with your journey, from start to finish.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Is the Success Rate of Breast Reduction?

In one research, 95% of patients expressed satisfaction with surgery outcomes. Women who have breast reduction surgery have better self-esteem, body image, and physical wellness.

Is Breast Reduction the Same as a Breast Lift?

You’ll also receive a breast lift when you undergo breast reduction. To make your breasts smaller, your surgeon will remove tissue and skin, then shift your nipples upward to give them a lift.

Are Scars Inevitable?

For some time, the incision wounds around the nipples may swell and form scars. These scars heal by themselves with time within a year of surgery, but they will remain visible for many years.

Does It Affect My Breastfeeding Abilities?

Women who undergo a breast reduction have a 50/50 chance of facing breastfeeding difficulties, but some of them are still able to breastfeed their children with relative comfort.

Is Breast Reduction Available for Men Too?

It’s also possible for men with gynecomastia (abnormally enlarged male breasts) to undergo breast reduction surgery, but in this case, it will be called “gynecomastia surgery”.

Which Country Is Best for Breast Reduction Surgery?

The answer to this question is dependent largely on the women’s needs and budget. Although clinics in other countries offer breast reduction surgery to women at competitive costs, Turkey stands from the crowd due to its good reputation in maintaining the quality of care besides lower costs.

What Should I Know About Turkey?

Obviously, you will visit a new country to undergo a medical procedure. To make your journey much easier in Turkey, it will be better for you to know a couple of things about the country, such as:
Location: Turkey is a gorgeous country located in Southeast Europe.
Language: Turkish (but most health professionals speak English).
Capital city: Ankara (Istanbul is the economic hub of Turkey).
Population: More than 84 million.
Currency: Turkish Lira.

Read more FAQs concerning breast reduction by clicking here

Read more: Breast Lift in Turkey