Eye Cosmetic Surgery

Blepharoplasty in Turkey: More Benefits & Lower Costs
Blepharoplasty in Turkey: More Benefits & Lower Costs

Our eyelids paint the definite outlines that make our faces look symmetrical and beautiful. To make them look more beautiful, an increasing number of people start searching for blepharoplasty in Turkey, which becomes one of the most popular options in the world, especially among Asians with narrow eyes. In fact, millions of patients visit foreign […]

Visual Field Test for Blepharoplasty: New Updates
Visual Field Test for Blepharoplasty: New Updates

A visual field test assesses the integrity and health of vision, which helps detect physiological dysfunctions. Some doctors suggest a visual field test for blepharoplasty, which is a cosmetic surgery to improve the shape of your eyelid. Many methods are available to test the visual field. Some of these methods are simple compared to more […]